[blindza] friday: short jokes

  • From: Jacob Kruger <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "blind@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <blind@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, blindza@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 08:41:37 +0200

Why did the farmer ride his horse into town? Because it was too heavy to carry.

What’s a cat’s favorite color? Purrr-ple.

Where do cows go on December 31st? A moo year’s eve party.

What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts.

Why are ghosts terrible liars? Because you can see right through them.

What does a triceratops sit on? On its tricera-bottom.

What did the snowman ask the other snowman? “Do you smell carrots?”

How does a scientist freshen her breath? With experi-mints.

Why are elevator jokes the funniest? Because they work on so many levels.

What do you call a sleeping T-Rex? A dino-snore!

What did the fisherman say to the magician? “Pick a cod, any cod.”

How are false teeth like stars? They come out at night.

Why was the student’s report card wet? It was below C level.

What kind of pizza do dogs eat? Pup-eroni pizza!

What do Olympic sprinters eat before a race? Nothing, they fast!

Which side of a cow is the hairiest? The outside!

What do cats wear to bed? Paw-jamas!

Why do bowling pins have such a hard life? They’re always getting knocked down.

What is a computer's favorite snack? Computer chips.

Why did the M&M go to school? Because she wanted to be a Smartie.

What kind of pictures do turtles take? Shell-fies.

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants while he played? In case he got a hole in one.

What was the first animal in space? The cow that jumped over the moon.


Jacob Kruger
Skype: BlindZA
"...resistance is futile!...acceptance is versatile..."
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