[blindza] friday: short jokes

  • From: Jacob Kruger <jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blind@xxxxxxxxxxxx, blindza@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 09:33:56 +0200

What do cats wear to bed? Paw-jamas!

Why do bowling pins have such a hard life? They’re always getting knocked down.

What is a computer's favorite snack? Computer chips.

Why did the M&M go to school? Because she wanted to be a Smartie.

What kind of pictures do turtles take? Shell-fies.

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants while he played? In case he got a hole in one.

What was the first animal in space? The cow that jumped over the moon.

What do you call a famous turtle? A shell-ebrity!

Why are penguins socially awkward? Because they don’t know how to break the ice.

What did the banana say to the dog? Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

What type of key opens a banana? A mon-key.

What do you feed an alligator? Anything it wants!

How does a cucumber become a pickle? It goes through a jarring experience.

What time is it when the clock strikes 13? Time to get a new clock.

Why did the melon jump into the river? Because it wanted to be a watermelon.

What makes a sick lemon feel better? Lemon-aid.

Where do you learn to make ice cream? Sundae school.

Why can’t you trust zookeepers? They love cheetahs.

How does Spiderman do research? On the World Wide Web!

Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.

What do you think of that new diner on the moon? Food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere.


Jacob Kruger
Skype: BlindZA
"...resistance is futile!...acceptance is versatile..."
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