[bksvol-discuss] Re: comment on Protecting page numbers and chapter headings

  • From: "Evan Reese" <mentat1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 03:09:13 -0700

Oh, boy, are you ever in trouble! <grin>

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Silvara 
  To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:09 PM
  Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: comment on Protecting page numbers and chapter 

  Hi Gerald:

  Thanks for replying. All right. Just so you know the last  couple hundred 
books I've validated have no blank line between the page break and page number.


  For scanning and validating  tips 
  check out 

  For ideas of books to scan check out:
  the No Book Left Behind AKA 
  Reject list 
  Rescan List
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Gerald Hovas 
    To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:58 PM
    Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: comment on Protecting page numbers and 
chapter headings



    I think the operative word here is impression.  Others have stated that the 
header MUST be the first line and the footer the last, but that isn't what the 
instructions state, and it isn't what I have found to be true.  The 
instructions do not say that the header must be the first line, they say that 
they should be the first paragraph.  They also say that the footer should be 
the last paragraph, not the last line.  The Stripper doesn't seem to have a 
problem with either since the header will be the first paragraph and the footer 
the last no matter if blank lines are included or not.


    The reason why I recommend placing a blank line at the top and bottom of 
the page has to do with the quality of the HTML file, and possibly the BRF 
file.  In both instances, the page numbers are added back to the file after 
being stripped for the DAISY book.  I'm not a Braille user, so I can't say what 
affect the blank lines have on the BRF file, but I have tried both ways and 
noticed a problem with the HTML file when they aren't included.  When they're 
included, the page numbers in the HTML file are separated from the text by a 
blank line, when they aren't included, then the page numbers appear on the same 
line as part of the text, either at the beginning of the first paragraph of 
text or at the end of the last paragraph of text.


    I've spoken to Engineering about the problem which occurs when the blank 
lines are left out and asked them to fix it.


    Since as I said, it doesn't seem to matter to the Stripper, I personally 
think it's better to include them for now so that the HTML files look better.







    From: bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Silvara
    Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:12 PM
    To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: comment on Protecting page numbers and 
chapter headings




    Just a slight comment on page numbers. I was under the impression that 
there should not be a blank line between the page break and the page number. 
Meaning the that the page number should be the first item on the page followed 
by a blank line and then the text. Has this changed?


    As for footers which is page numbers at the bottom of the page I believe 
it's suppose to be text, followed by a blank line, page number, and blank line 
and then page break. This is what I have been doing with both validations and 
submissions. I strip all headers and just leave in page numbers.  


        If anyone is interested in protecting chapter headers I posted a tip on 
Jake's site. Please let me know if it's clear enough. Or I should add examples 
to clarify my point. I feel that it is really important to protect chapter 
titles so please let me know if I can help.




    For scanning and validating  tips 
    check out 


    For ideas of books to scan check out:
    the No Book Left Behind AKA 
    Reject list 
    Rescan List

      ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Donna Smith 

      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

      Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:17 PM

      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: Protecting page numbers and chapter headings


      Thanks Gerald.  This is great.  Now I can go forth and make good scans 
for all.  <smile>


      Peace and Hope,





      From: bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gerald Hovas
      Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:35 AM
      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: Protecting page numbers and chapter headings




      1. The page numbers are what the Stripper is looking for.  That's it's 
primary job, to recognize and process page numbers.  Stripping the text that it 
finds along with them was just something that the Engineer decided to throw in 
for a bonus.  The page numbers are stripped and stored in the SMIL file 
according to the DAISY specification.  DAISY readers use this information to 
navigate through the book.  The page numbers are put back in the BRF and HTML 
files when those files are created.


      2. Sorry about the periods.  They're just a kind of vertical ellipses to 
signify that something's there.  Just a way to make the text part take up more 
room.  Ignore them.







      From: bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Donna Smith
      Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 8:20 AM
      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: Protecting page numbers and chapter headings


      Gerald, this is great information.


      Two more questions if you don't mind.


        1.. So if I manually strip all headers, put a blank line then the page 
number and then another blank line, the BookShare stripper won't then strip the 
page number as the closest thing resembling a header? 
        2.. I hope I'm not just being too obtuse, but in your examples, do you 
mean that I should put in the three lines with a period separated by a blank 
line?  What's the purpose of this? 






      From: bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gerald Hovas
      Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 7:19 PM
      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Re: Protecting page numbers and chapter headings




        1.. Yes, put a blank line before and after the page number when the 
page number is in the header as well as a blank line at the bottom of the page. 
 I'm not sure if the blank line is necessary between the page number and the 
text, but I can say that putting one after the header does work well.  If you 
leave the blank lines at the top and bottom of the pages off, then some odd 
things will happen to the page numbers when the HTML file is created.  The page 
numbers end up as part of a paragraph instead of on a separate line. 

      Example of how the page should look...


      [Page Break]












      [Page Break]


        2.. Yes, put a blank line between the chapter heading and the first 
line of text.  Again, I don't know that this is necessary, but it does work 
well, and some people have said that it is necessary. 

      3. Yes, you need to give the Stripper something to strip other than the 
chapter heading or the chapter heading will be stripped.  The easiest thing to 
do when page numbers are normally at the top of pages except on pages where a 
chapter begins is to move the page number from the bottom of the page to the 
top.  If page numbers are always at the bottom of the page, then place a false 
header above the chapter heading.  Using the title works well, and it won't 
look as odd if the Stripper fails to strip it for some odd reason.  It helps to 
strip all of the real headers manually since its easier to strip them yourself 
than to insure that they are consistent so that the Stripper will remove them 
all, but if you do leave them in, then just follow the pattern of the headers 
and put whatever header would normally appear on the top of that page above the 
chapter heading.


      Examples of how pages should look...


      [Page Break]




      Chapter Seven










      [Page Break]


      [Page Break]


      The Firm


      Chapter Seven












      [Page Break]


      Or if the page would normally contain the author's name instead of the 


      [Page Break]


      John Grisham


      Chapter Seven










      [Page Break]


      I can't say that these are the only ways to do it, but I've had excellent 
results with these approaches.







      From: bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:bksvol-discuss-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Donna Smith
      Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 5:41 PM
      To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: [bksvol-discuss] Protecting page numbers and chapter headings


      Hi all.


      I hesitate to ask this question, but I can't find the answer on any of 
the official or unofficial sites giving tips to scanners.


      Did we ever determine absolutely what should be done to protect page 
numbers and chapter headings?  What I want to know is:


        1.. At the top of each page, do I need to put a blank line before 
and/or after the page number? 
        2.. For chapter numbers/titles that appear at the top of the page, do I 
put a blank line before and/or after it? 
        3.. Is it necessary to have something at the top of the page for the 
BookShare stripper to strip? 

      I spend a good bit of time cleaning up each scan regarding page numbers, 
chapter headings and stripping out unwanted headers.  I'm trying to do it in 
such a way that it will result in the best book in the finished product.


      I really, really hope that an answer has been found to this question and 
that I'm not opening up the can of worms we've had before about the different 
perceptions of what might work.  <smile>




      Peace and Hope,



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