[argyllcms] Re: Target Black problems with ColorMunki & NEC 3090

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 15:23:12 +1100

David Heinrich wrote:
This is something I'm not understanding; we should only specify one of
-t and -T?

Because they are different chromaticity loci. You can chose
one or the other, but because they don't cross, you can't
be on both.

And then the calibration. It failed to meet the delta E targets in the
2nd and 3rd iterations (0.87 dE instead of 0.85 on 2nd iteration, and
1.15 instead of 0.6 on 3rd iteration).

Any suggestions?

That's all pretty normal. The reports don't make any judgement,
they just tell you what happened. It's not at all unusual for
it to be difficult to meet the desired target somewhere - dispcal
does the best it can, and stops when it's spent some time on it.
Any sort of drift or noise in the display or instrument
behaviour will exacerbate the difficulty of hitting the target.

Since you're using a ColorMunki, you could try -V to see if it
improves things a little (although it will be slower). This
tends to help at the black end though, and you're maximum error
is at white. Perhaps it's a little out of gamut ? (ie. try setting
a brightness target of 225 and see if it helps.)

Graeme Gill.

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