Re: [steem] Steem Debug

  • From: "Steem Authors" <steem@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "Steem Discussion" <steem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 16:58:41 -0000


Sorry if it sounds naive but I registered to the list only a few days ago
and I don't know how things are, so why not shut up and . read, you should
say. Well, I understand that a new version is about to go to beta testers
and I was wondering if you are familiar with a bug that preventing STEEM of
reading floppy disks properly in some extremely rare cases, such as in the
case of "Pluto" when you try to run it from a floppy disk image. So I
thought, if you aren't, it could be useful to know (just in case of
something could be done before v2.5 hits the streets;-)

Thanks for letting us know. We have actually had Plutos on our list of
programs that don't work for a while and looked at it quite recently,
unfortunately it looks like a real stinker. It performs an FDC read track
command, if this works then it will destroy itself, if it fails then the
program will run fine. The problem is there is no way we know that a read
track won't work, it even works on an unformatted track, it isn't a timing
issue as Plutos gives it 3 seconds to complete the destruction (enough to
read 15 tracks). I suspect it is doing something wrong when setting up the
DMA chip that causes the read not to work, it is just about the most flakey
chip in the ST, very difficult to emulate accurately.

It works on SainT because that emulator ignores all read track commands
(last time I checked anyway).

Thanks again,

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