[rollei_list] Re: Ford motor and Rolleiflex

  • From: Jim Brick <jim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 17:01:05 -0800

Well... of course. Anyone can indeed show their photographs anyway they wish, and also accept the consequences. The consequences being a good, ho-hum, or bad review. I am certainly not the arbiter and do not want to be. I'm simply stating my experience in showing photographs with the associated response from viewers. And my viewing of other people's photographs.

I apologize if I gave the impression that folks must listen to me and adhere to a rigid formula. Please... do not listen to me. I'm old and crotchety! And sometimes write with strongly focused wording. I'll attach a disclaimer on this and all future posts.


I am old and crotchety and not responsible for how readers interpret my writings. Also, please take all of my expressed statements and concepts with a dash of NaCl and C18H27NO3. However, I prefer Spike. This will help mitigate any pain and suffering by anyone foolish enough to take seriously, what I have said.

At 12:42 AM 12/7/2006 +0100, Antonio Garcia Russell wrote:


What you said was "Correction is absolutely necessary before showing
your Ford motor photographs to people other than yourself", as if you
were the sole arbiter of such matters, when in fact Carlos or anyone
else can present their photographs to other people however they dam
well feel like it. These are not images produced to a brief or for a
commercial project, but the images of a private individual that he is
sharing with other subscribers to this list. You may wish that he had
presented them in another manner but he is entirely within his rights
to have presented them as he has.


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