[opendtv] Re: Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips

  • From: Kon Wilms <kon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 08:39:06 -0700

On Fri, 2005-06-10 at 09:41 -0400, Craig Birkmaier wrote:
> If Lexmark can put chips in ink cartridges to prevent companies from 
> manufacturing cheap clones, then I suspect that Steve can keep Apple 
> hardware proprietary.

But it isn't, Craig. The developer stations are nothing but stock 'PC'
platforms. If it can run Windows it is a standard PC platform. The real
problem is that Apple doesn't have the capability to crank out or
support drivers for thousands of devices, so they will only support a
fixed list of components.

> Apple has the advantage of controlling both the software and hardware 
> experience for users. Macs offer a variety of hardware features that 
> are NOT standard on PCs, and they design the logic chips that glue 
> all of the industry standard components together. It will not be 
> difficult for Apple to build machines with Intel Inside that will be 
> differentiated.

By aesthetics, yes. Will Apple zealots still pay more for appearance?
Please don't tell me they are that stupid the (counts fingers) -- I
forget the number of times it has been so far.

> What WOULD BE difficult is to bring all PCs up to the level of 
> hardware consistency offered by Apple.

Right now Apple is the BeOS of the 'PC world' in terms of hardware
consistency. Windows and Linux are more consistent. Hopefully Apple
doesn't become the BeOS of the PC world...


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