[lit-ideas] The torture graph

  • From: Robert Paul <robert.paul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 20:17:47 -0700

Lawrence wrote:

If you put all the world’s torture of the past ten years into a graph, what do you think it would look like? Wouldn’t that graph look largely Muslim green? Of course it would. Now look at that little sliver of non-green down there. That’s the combined torture committed by the British and American forces combined. Why is it that so many Lit-Idears want to talk about that tiny sliver and not about the rest of the graph?

Never mind that no evidence is offered to support the greening of the graph: I'm concerned about (although I don't particularly want to talk about it here) what's done by US (and British) forces because I'm a US citizen who cares what his government does, ostensibly in his name, and I'm dismayed and concerned by the lack of accountability my government has shown and by the secrecy that it invokes when questioned about what it's up to. I don't have a voice in 'Muslim' affairs. I'm supposed to have one in virtue of my citizenship (not to mention my age).

Robert Paul
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