[lit-ideas] Re: Philosophical League Tables

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 13:44:09 -0700

JL wrote

24…..Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

---- as R. Paul notes, 'overrated', and I'm glad the North-American branch
(or 'chapter' as Dorothy Parker prefers) sticks with the "PI" -- Witters's
'companion volume'.

I didn't say, and do not think, that the Tractatus is 'overrated.' In fact, I think it should probably follow the Investigations, on the list (immediately follow, if that's not 'otiose'). What I said was

'Though the Tractatus appears to be much admired, my hunch is that it's admired more in the way that Proust is admired at cocktail parties...'

In other words, those who voted for it probably haven't read it.

As for the NAWS (it isn't a 'branch' of anything), I see that it's changed its policies a bit.

'The organization has tended to show special interest in the work of the later Wittgenstein and its relation to methods of ordinary language philosophers, since crucial issues in these areas have been and continue to be neglected. We nevertheless welcome focus (sic) on Wittgenstein's work which is different from these.'

It's a somewhat shadowy organization.


Robert Paul

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