[lit-ideas] META: Apology from C. Bruce expected by J. L. Speranza

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 07:53:40 EDT

Sue Trevor is right in reminding us of the  guidelines. I suggest too that 
people who don't contribute often do try and do.  The feeling you get once 
you are in the middle of an argument is different to  share, althought I 
would _never_ call it 'compulsive'. I defer those judgements  to the 
if needed -- and, as minimal ethics suggest -- upon  first-hand observation 
of the 'patient'.

I wish other listmembers would  express half the ardour for ONE 
philosophical thesis that I do. Of course I can  be called names by P. A. 
Stone, et al 
(about people providing unvolunteered  info) but that's what comes with 
passion for what you do.

Last week,  while S. Trevor cared to mention only MY source as that of 
'burying her inbox',  there was quite a chain of posts from all different 
posters. I would also point  to the 'we' of S. Trevor, "gives us some rest" 
as Kantian in nature. "give  _me_ some rest" somehow sounds less Kantian? :)

But most importantly, I  do feel like C. Bruce did insult me a couple of 
times over the last couple of  posts. It's not etiquette to hide under a 
pseudonym. The least thing C. Bruce  could do is still sign his posts, "C. 
Kiel, Germany" as the list  guidelines require.

The apology I expect from him has to do with his  insulting me for having 
ignored a post by him that he NEVER sent. It was later,  in 'resending' it 
patronisingly, "This is the easiest way -- cbruce@de. -- with  the oops that 
it originated -- that he did. He didn't feel the need to recheck  whether the 
post had been sent. He NEVER replied to my "Did Trogge quote from  
Strawson?" because he had not. Instead, we get more bad press from him towards  
persona meant to be funny, "God and little fishes," etc. 

So, under  the circumstances -- the way I have been treated onlist -- you 
would expect that  my 3-posts-a-day have to be concerned with arguments I 
consider 'secondary'.  

But an apology and minimal respect for the dignity of others seems a  
minimum. While S. Trevor has not filtered me (which I appreciate) but feels the 
need to use the 'give us some rest" -- C. Bruce has also justified his 
exceeding  the 3-posts-a-day because he says he feels that he can get 
in his  absence and that his is over-sensitive. So are some of us here other 
than  him.

Teemu has not answered my query as to the mechanical,  "3-posts-a-day" 
procedure. Since he is into computers, he may find it  easy.


J. L. Speranza
Buenos Aires, Argentina  

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