[lit-ideas] Re: Dark Thoughts on Iraq

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:38:05 -0400

Judy: you think "Vichy Europe" isn't a nasty little insinuation?

Eric: It was stronger than I intended it to be. But maybe it would qualify it somewhat if I stated that I oppose the idea of the USA operating forward bases all around the world and maintaining a Pax America through CINC Roman-style Proconsuls.

I would like to see some return to the older notion of "spheres of influence," where Europe plays a larger role in securing its periphery. While the Iran-nuke case shows some movement in that direction, it's still a highly unbalanced situation.

It's a lose-lose game for the Americans: we get trashed as "world policemen" when we step in to take care of something like Kosovo or Iraq, but on the other hand, nobody else has the capacity or political will to take over.

If the major nations all assumed responsibility for their spheres of influence, it might make the UN a more credible force as well, especially in dealing with sudden genocides like that in Rwanda.

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