[lit-ideas] Re: Alternative food sources

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 23:17:46 EDT

I used to be JulieReneB.  My computer officially had a near-death experience 
2 weeks ago and has been in heavy rescusitation efforts since.  I'm on an 
antiquated machine just this side of a manual typewriter and when my computer 
tried to kick the bucket apparently Lit-Id decided I wasn't alive anymore.  It 
wouldn't even allow JulieReneB to resubscribe.  So I've just become 
under a never-used address.... to read this??  Geeze, guys.  My 10 year old 
has been a vegetarian ever since it dawned on her why "chicken nuggets" were so 
named.  My greatest pleasure is a paper thin slice of red-rare rib roast 
slathered in salt.  I'm wondering if petri-grown pig would be kosher for Jews.  
I ever get reconnected with the Real World (i.e., something faster than a 32 
baud modem) I'll send a post explaining my abscence properly -- simultaneously 
with the computer problem my kiddos and I went on a road trip with my folks.   
Grieving that the Olympics are over and grateful to hear you folks converse 

Julie Krueger
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