[lit-ideas] Re: Alternative food sources

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:49:17 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Aug 29, 2004 6:22 PM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Alternative food sources

At 09:10 PM 8/29/2004, you wrote:
>It occurs to me (not an extremely original thought, I admit) that if we 
>can eat chickens and cows and pigs, why can't we eat cats and dogs?  Why 
>does eating a cat or dog seem akin to eating children?  The Bible tells us 
>we have dominion over the animals.   Cats and dogs are animals.   Is it 
>because cats and dogs sleep on our beds with us?  Why would that matter, 
>since they get killed in the pounds anyway and nobody cares.  Why not just 
>use them as food?  Good use of resources I would think.

The short answer is that most people cannot stand to eat anything that had 
a purpose that was different from "food". I can't eat my cat because he's a 
cool dude. I don' t want to eat my dog because he's fun. I don't have a 
relationship with bessie the cow. She's for eatin'. Incidentally, societies 
that DO eat dog and cat and horse think of them much in the same way that 
we consider cows and pigs. They are just meat for the eatin'. I guess it's 
just a slippery slope to cannibalism eh? P'raps not.

fiercely objecting to squirrel recipes,

A.A. Makes sense, except the cats and dogs are going to be killed anyway.  
Maybe it's as you say, taking the specific (they're even our "babies") and 
turning it into a general principle (can't eat any dogs/cats ever, even if 
they're slated to be killed).  It's just one of those emotional things that 
exists outside the realm of logic.  And now I'm off to bed with my cat,

Andy Amago

Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada 

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