• From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 13:49:53 -0400

People whose emotions are shut down, i.e., who don't have access to their
emotions, do all the things you describe below.  They just don't have
access to their emotions, that's all.  That's why years after most people
get over a significant trauma like 9/11, some people wind up with PTSD. 
There is no other way to describe why five years after the fact you are
still so exercised over 9/11 and why you advocate torture and thinking,
like Stalin, that simply accusing someone is enough to kill them, and
worse, that applying those techniques in the eternity that it will take to
win this "war" is good and proper.

> [Original Message]
> From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 6/12/2006 1:43:00 PM
> Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: 3 SUICIDES AT GUANTANAMO
> Andy: It's interesting that it takes someone so completely 
> shut up in his head (i.e., an "intellectual") such as 
> yourself to be so bloodthirsty.
> Should we compare lifestyles? I am physically active, have 
> plenty of friends, pursue a wide variety of interests, and 
> devote time to charity. In the past decade I saved someone's 
> life.
> I do not lie to people about my identity, or claim an 
> exaggerated sensitivity to "all life" that is belied by 
> rampant misanthropy. However, my desire to see my country 
> prevail strikes you as bloodthirsty. So be it.
> In each of the personal attacks I have received--Omar's "low 
> opinion," Judy's "pity and contempt," your "bloodthirsty" 
> claim--I consider the source. So be it.
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