[JA] Re: juno5bdb - Just One Folder?

  • From: "George Lunt" <glunt@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 19:16:13 -0800

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 Linda WJ <pettey-admin@xxxxxxxx> writes:

>I think it's GREAT you wrote this handy utility!   I can see
>where juno5bdb  would work for me but it's kind of overkill
>if I just want to copy one folder from one computer to another.

Hi Linda, and All,

Overkill?  Oh pshaw...  LOL

OK, GO!  <tick, tock, tick, tock...  ... tick, tock>  OK STOP.  Alright,
it just took me 3 min 15 sec to setup a working directory, copy n paste
my mailbox.bdb and .atr files (65 megs) to the working directory, track
down a copy of juno5bdb.zip on my machine and copy it into the working
directory, unzip the juno5bdb.zip file, and run one of the batch files
Larry included with it...  creating 25 .frm files (folders), each with
its own mail intact...  3:15 sec...  and next time that ought to be
quite a bit less because I don't have to setup the working directory,
track down my copy of juno5bdb.zip or unzip it.  So now I just pick out
whichever folder I want and dump the rest.  Not so sure about getting
any of them over to another computer though as most are sizable...

>Sometimes all I'm trying to do is print a message I've received.
>We only have one printer but multiple computers.  Generally I just
>move the message I want to print to a folder, export the folder to
>a diskette, take the diskette upstairs, import the folder into Juno
>on the computer with the printer attached, select the message
>and print.

Why not "Save as a text file", copy to disk and go print it using most
anything?  Juno's "Print" stinks anyway...

>The other thing I'm wanting to do is set up an "old messages"
>archive.  Sure you can move messages to various folders (wish
..they were multi-tiered) but the bigger the folders get the slower
>Juno gets when opening, etc.  I'm wanting to set up a second
>copy of Juno so I can export folders from the copy I'm using to
..the copy used just to warehouse old messages.  In this case
>your program will work a lot better for me but generally I'm still
>just interested in exporting maybe 15 of my 100+ folders.

You could also identify the folders by looking in the director.frm file
(a text file), locate the appropriate foldnnnn.frm file and just Import
directly into your "archive" installation.  You might also want to
consider using a more versatile e-mail program for that archive
installation, one where you could do the multi-tiering of which you
wrote.  In that case, Larry's juno5bdb would be definitely be "just the
ticket" for converting your Juno mail to the appropriate format.

>I really miss the neat features Juno 5 has (like mail assistants
>and stationery) but Juno 4 also seems to be more stable than
>Juno 5.  I seemed to have an e-mail disaster every few months
>with Juno 5 ...

I like Juno 5 too, so I mitigate these possible "disasters" by
"archiving" my Juno 5 messages about every two months and keeping my "in
program" mail storage lean.  I originally made a full copy of my
mailbox.bdb & .atr files and set those aside for safe keeping.  Then I
deleted all the messages older than 2 months (I always use the 1st of a
month as a cutoff) keeping the most recent messages readily available.
Then every two months I delete the messages that have grown older than
the most recent two months, and make another backup copy of the
mailbox.bdb & .atr file pair.  Remember, I have previously backed up the
older two months of messages I'd be deleting.

I then Zip up these file pairs, compacting them considerably, and gin a
"date" into the .zip filename making them easy to locate if I want to do
a "restore".  As long as I keep them in .bdb/.atr pairs I can just move
them back into a user folder replacing the current mailbox.bdb & .atr
files temporarily and Juno never knows the difference.

Anyway, at this point I'm fully backed up again and the only messages at
risk in the event of a "big crash" are the most recent.  I feel a lot
less at risk running a "lean" account than when risking 100+ megs of
mail and firmly believe Juno 5 runs a whole lot quicker and is far more
stable when run this way.

George Lunt ..... so. cal.

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