[JA] Re: juno5bdb - Just One Folder?

  • From: Larry Cook <lcook@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 18:23:03 -0500


> Is the "TODO"
> list kind of a wish list or an actual list of things you're planning to
> work on?  

It's a wish list.

> but it's kind of overkill if I just want to
> copy one folder from one computer to another.

It might be overkill, but you can just save the one folder you want and delete 
the others.  Although if it takes a long time then the waiting might be a pain.

> take the diskette upstairs, import the folder into Juno on the computer
> with the printer attached, select the message and print.

Couldn't you just email it to the upstairs computer! :-)

> The other thing I'm wanting to do is set up an "old messages" archive.

> various folders (wish they were multi-tiered) 

 > but the bigger the folders get the slower Juno gets

> exporting maybe 15 of my 100+ folders.

Sound like you might want to consider another email program and have it get 
email directly from Juno's POP server.  Although this will only work while 
connect to the internet either with the Juno 6 dialer or via another ISP.

> With  juno5bdb  you've at least given us another option.   I appreciate
> that!

You're welcome.


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