[JA] Proposed FAQ

  • From: Carolyn Stoffel <carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 00:51:04 EST

Jamie -

>maximum size of mailbox allowed (4? MB - it changes), or 
>w/ Juno 1.49 the maximum number of messages in a folder (I >believe 1000
is considered about the limit), although 


I know I've had .well. over that - 1700? 1900? - though I was having
problems as well. I also had (please notice, .past. tense) folders
exceeding 5 Mb. That's why I developed a couple of little tricks that
seemed to minimize lock-ups.

>->Information from this bunch of amateurs is usually more plentiful,
>->though often less reliable, than what the Juno company will tell >you.


And MUCH cheaper! <g>

Carolyn Stoffel
Rakena Basenjis - Puppup and Cotton
The Canine Contingent; The Puppuppies - Pendant, Insula, Mosey
Phoenix, Arizona
carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx (No Internet access)

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