[JA] Re: Proposed FAQ

  • From: Jamie Orr <jamieorr@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 22:03:48 -0800

Thanks very much for your work on the update, Jim!

However I believe you are being way too modest in regard to 
the quality & reliability of [JA] members answers (especially 
vs. Juno's).  But I guess we are free to believe what we want to 
and to suffer the consequences for our erroneous beliefs in 
this country & on this list. <g> Actually an example of 
modesty isn't a bad thing for the country - either.  <JMO>

And not to make too much work, but know limitations to Juno 
and the various versions would be wonderful.  For example, 
maximum size of mailbox allowed (4? MB - it changes), or 
w/ Juno 1.49 the maximum number of messages in a folder (I 
believe 1000 is considered about the limit), although I don't 
know the maximum number of Folders allowed, etc. would be 

Appreciatively, Jamie

On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:19:03 -0500 jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx writes:
->3  What's the connection between the two?
->None.  Juno is a company out to make money while Juno_Accmail is a lot
->of amateurs out to have fun helping people to use and understand Juno.
->There is no connection between the two, so it's no use asking one of
->them to make the other be nicer to you or whatever.  You can gripe to
->Juno_Accmail all you want, but all they can do is feel your pain and
->provide some limited and possibly helpful information and software.
->Information from this bunch of amateurs is usually more plentiful,
->though often less reliable, than what the Juno company will tell you.
                     __________  jmo __________

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