[JA] Proposed FAQ

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:02:08 -0500

Due to my own laziness, this paragraph identified the founder of Juno as
"some guy" and said far too little about him:

JH> 1  Who's Juno?
JH> Juno is a company that was started in early 1996 to sell advertising 
> by providing free E-mail service.  It was mostly owned by some guy
> who had made a lot of money providing computers and services to
> the Wall Street securities industry but he also sold Juno stock to
> anyone who wanted to buy.  He hired Charles Ardai as President. 
> Later competitors provided free Web service, so Juno also did this. 
> In 2001 Juno and its biggest competitor, NetZero, merged to form a 
> company called United Online, but the two services continued to be 
> offered separately.

One of our listateers kindly sent the following small bit of biographical
information about Dr Shaw:


1980 David Shaw earned his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford.
He was born in Chicago and raised in California.

1986 David Shaw leaves his computer-science professorship at
Columbia University, and joins Morgan Stanley & Co. as its vice
president in charge of automated analytical trading technology.
1988 Shaw founds D.E. Shaw & Co., with $28 million from the
Tisch family and Paloma Partners.
1994 Jeff Bezos leaves D.E. Shaw & Co. and founds Amazon.com.
April 22, 1996 Juno Online, an Internet company organized and
financed by D.E. Shaw & Co., is launched. It advertises itself as
"the nation?s first free Internet e-mail service." By 1998, it is the
2nd largest Internet Service Provider, trailing only America Online.


Thanks to this information I'd like to revise FAQ #1 as follows:


Frequently Asked Questions about Juno and the Juno_Accmail Project:

1  Who's Juno?

2  Who's the Juno_Accmail Project?

3  What's the connection between the two?

4  What can Juno do for me?

5  How can Juno be any good if it's free?

6  Can I use MS Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape Mail
   and other industry standard mailing programs?

7  What do you mean, Web is limited on free Juno?

8  Can I get Juno on my Mac, Linux, OS/2, DOS machine, etc?

9  Can my antique 386/486 Personal Computer run Juno?

10  What does Juno's free Web require?

1  Who's Juno?

Juno is a company that was started on April 22, 1996 to sell
advertising by providing free E-mail service.  It was organized by
D E Shaw & Co, owned by Dr David Shaw, PhD, who after leaving his
professorship at Columbia University and his Vice Presidency at
Morgan Stanley had made his fortune providing computers and services
to Wall Street securities firms.  He also sold Juno stock publicly.
He hired Charles Ardai as President.  Later competitors provided free
Web service, so Juno also did this.  In 2001 Juno and its biggest
competitor, NetZero, merged to form a company called United Online,
but the two services continued to be offered separately.


Further corrections and suggestions will be welcome.  I wouldn't want to
make this paragraph much longer or split it, so any incorrect or
misleading information will more likely be corrected by deletion than by

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