[JA] Re: Proposed FAQ

  • From: J�rel DD Arbaugh <computerist@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, no-tag-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:57:35 -0800

}Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:19:03 -0500
}Subject: [JA] Proposed FAQ
}From: jim.henderson
}Preliminary rough draft, 17 Feb 2002.  This isn't as detailed as the
}five year old version now on the Web site, which may mean it won't go
}obsolete as quickly or be as hard to update when it does.   I would
}appreciate corrections to any errors of fact, and other suggestions.

        I have not reviewed it all, yet, but:

}8  Can I get Juno on my Mac, Linux, OS/2, DOS machine, etc?
}No.   Juno's advertising feature requires MS-Windows 95 or later.
}Since advertising is how the free Juno service makes money for the
}company, you can't use another operating system.  Of course, if your
}Mac or whatever other computer has something added that makes it able
}to run Microsoft Windows applications, you can give Juno a try and see
}what happens.  No charge for trying, since it's a free service.

        Juno 1.49 still runs (or crawls) on most windows 3.1x systems. 
It should also run on the windows 3 support option of OS/2, if you have
that.  I have not read of anyone getting it to run under linux, yet.
| Computerist.    KG6HNO  This user is located in California.  It is a
violation of California law to send unsolicited commercial mail to this

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