[interfacekit] Re: BHandler::fToken

  • From: Ingo Weinhold <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOS IK Team <interfacekit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 11:53:18 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Adi Oanca wrote:

> I had a problem with BHandler::fToken.
> I needed to use that, but I didn't know if I was allowed to do whatever I
> want with it.
> After a loooong look over BHandler, BLooper, BApplication, BMessage I
> finally got the answer!
> NO! I cannot modify BHandler::fToken!

Actually, I have not the faintest idea, why you would want to do that,

> Now, I will explain why. If u know, skip over the following section.
> -----------
>    I knew that in a BApplication every BHandler has a unique ID(token),
> assigned by its constructor, I knew that every BWindow and BView have an
> associated app_server token, but I did not understood, what classes derived
> from BHandler should do with it!

I don't understand you problem. The handler token has nothing to do with
BView::server_token, nor with the app server at all.

> Then, after studying
>     BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage* message1, BHandler* relpyHandler,...)
>     BMessage::SendReply(BMessage* message2,...)
> I finally got the answer!
> When
>       BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage* message1, BHandler*
> relpyHandler,...)
> sends a message, the reply is asynchronous! That means the looper that will
> receive this message will post a new one on our lopper's queue. That means
> that the reply message will be treated like all other messages. Well... we
> don't want that, because there is the replyHandler waiting for that message.

I don't get that. Why would would want to treat a reply message

> When this function executes, it calls
>       BMessenger  replyMessenger( replyHandler );
>       BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage* message1, BMessenger*
> relpyMessenger,...),
> that does(not directly):
>       message1->fReplyTo.target           = replyHandler::fToken
>       message1->fReplyTo.preferred        = false;
>       message1->fReplyTo.port             = Looper()::fMsgPort;
>       message1->fReplyTo.team             = Looper()::Team();
>       message1->replyRequired             = true;
> BMesseger::SendMessage(...) sends message1 to a (system-wide) BLooper(not.
> looper2), looper2 will send a reply, then dispatch the message (I don't know
> the order of those 2 operations).

A message is dispatched, and if the no handler replies to that message,
the looper sends a B_NO_REPLY (if necessary).

> [in looper2]
>       message1->SendReply( message2 );
> SendReply(...) will set the following fiends something like:
>       message2->fTarget             = message1->fReplyTo.target;
>       message2->fPreferred          = message1->fReplyTo.preferred;
>       message2->fIsReply            = true;
>       message2->fReplyDone          = true;
>       message2->fWasDelivered       = true;
> (I'm not sure about the last 2 lines)

I think neither of the last two fields should be set to true. I think a
`fReplyDone = true;' is done (on message1). fWasDelivered is currently not
used in our implementation. I suspect, it must be set by BLooper, either
before or after the message has been dispatched.

> when this message gets to BLooper::task_looper(), its
>       message1->fReplyTo.preferred  (witch is false)
> field will say that a Handler whose
>       fToken field equals message2->fTarget
> will have to be found! Then, the replyHandler receives the message.

That's how it works.

> And that is a possible way a BMessage::SendReply(...) could function.
> ---------------------
> As I said we cannot change BHandler::fToken. That means, that, when a Window
> or a View is created, in the message that BWindow will send to app_server,
> there has to be attached an additional field (a int32) denoting the
> inherited BWindow::fToken/BView::fToken. We also have to change the specs we
> wrote!

Three things:

1) I have no idea, why we could want to change a handler's token.

2) The R5 app server doesn't use messaging. It communicates with the API
classes via ports.

3) Even if our app server would use messages -- which was possible, since
it links against libopenbeos, though I doubt DarkWyrm plans to do so -- I
still don't see the problem. I would simply use BMessengers

> Well. after all this, it seems that tokens are created by the client-side
> and then sent to app_server!

The handler tokens are, no doubt, since they have nothing to do with the
app server. For the server tokens I don't know -- that's DWs department --
but at least the name `server token' suggests, that they are created
server side.

CU, Ingo

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