[haiku] Re: Reducing paper waste at conferences

  • From: Alexandre Deckner <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:36:03 +0100

Urias McCullough wrote:
On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Niels Reedijk <niels.reedijk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So, specifying non-recycled paper is actually the greenest option as it removes 
the most CO2...

It seems counter intuitive but you actually want to use as much paper as 
Wow, you almost had me here. I even googled for it!

Note that the source below is unchecked so feel free to do that yourself.


IMO, it's just a mistake to involve either religion or politics into
the Haiku project... they really don't belong.

Living in California, USA, which is a constant daily battleground on
environmental Issues, I have heard so many crackpot theories on both
sides I just frankly ignore the whole discussion. There are fanatics
on both sides that come up with studies and facts to prove their
theories, I don't believe most of what I hear or read any more.

- Urias

Wow that's really sad, this is 2009, everyone is scared to have an opinion that goes beyond his own yard. Guts! people.. But maybe the real problem is that people think they can actually have an opinion on every complex subject of the world in 5 minutes, when it really takes a whole life to make an informed opinion on such things. People think it's just a matter listening and choosing his prefered color. Watching two tv shows, or reading a political flier. If you don't have the background knowledge to participate in a discussion, maybe you shouldn't participate in it. Be it to support it or the contrary. Well.. trying to be supportive without some serious references might be even worse...

I'm just fed up by people talking about science with as unique background, a master in sci-fi geekness.

Do you realize how deeply insulted i feel. Being called a religious extremist? This is the lowest attack i could ever imagine. And by people i deeply respect, that i thought were really like friends, that i often supported in many discussions.... How many here innocently insulting me, know how an electron, an electromagnetic wave or a CO2 molecule behaves? Damn do you seriously think i'm just following a trend? I started making myself an opinion many many years ago, like it is possible when you actually know the basic physics and read the many books and documents available (yes some are bullshit). I spent all my life studying physics a.k.a nature, at school getting the obligatory degrees, and personally, because i find it fascinating. And experts in public relations are calling me a religious extremist. Throwing rocks at me without any argument, backstabbing me by requesting new censorship rules.. Seriously guys, go fuck yourselves, and deeply.

And then, from the many here calling me a political fanatic, or deforming anything i say to make it sound like.. Those that think that some subjects shouldn't be mentioned in the Haiku project. Not only they don't know shit about the subject at stake, but have they ever actually contributed a single line of code? Are you telling me i should code and simply shut the fuck up? You're not my boss, and this is not your project, so please respect the humans doing the work for you.

Sorry to all people i still respect in the project, be they in agreement with my positions or not, but at least showing the basic respect any long time contributor and human here deserves.

Koki, just start a vote and lets be finished with it. And fuck you, for all the lack of respect you showed at me, and yes i'm being diplomatic.

See ya,

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