[geocentrism] Re: Challenge

  • From: Steven Jones <stavro_jones@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 18:39:35 +0100 (BST)

Mr. Griffin,

I will remind you that on several occasions in the past you have been asked 
politely to alter the tone of your arrogant and opinionated emails, however 
this seems to have gone unnoticed. I will be awarding you a seven day block 
unless there is an improvement in your postings.

This is not extreme, especially considering how rude and inconsiderate you have 
been of late to many.

In response to your supposed proof concerning the movement of the Earth, this 
can easily be refuted. The only thing that you know regarding aberration is 
that something is moving. It most certainly isn't a demonstrated fact that the 
Earth rotates. For simplicity, I have already explained the modified Tychonic 
Model to you which accounts for all of these phenomena for exactly the same 
mathematical reasons that heliocentrism allegedly accounts for them. When I 
showed you to be wrong using the modified Tychonic Model in a previous email 
regarding parallax, you then furiously dismissed the model as being a 
"ridiculous theory".

I am afraid Mr. Griffin, though you find it "ridiculous", you cannot disprove 

Steven Jones.

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