[geocentrism] Re: Challenge

  • From: RM Mentock <mentock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 07:25:06 -0400

 From that link:  "CAI will be the sole judge of whether you have
successfully proven your case."  CAI are the ones offering the

I'm just curious, why don't they offer $100 billion?

At 07:09 AM 7/26/2004, you wrote:
>Dear Mr. Griffin,
>According to you, there have been many scientific experiments that have 
>been conducted that have allegedly proved the movement of the Earth. 
>Please could you enlighten me to some of them, because actually I don't 
>know of any.
>Perhaps you could be eligible for the $1,000 reward (that is being offered 
>by numerous geocentrists around the world), this is available to the first 
>individual capable of proving heliocentrism. One such example is located 
>at the following url:
>Obviously, not many will offer such a substantial sum of money, without 
>first knowing the particulars of the situation, which, it seems that you 
>don't even begin to comprehend.
>Where is the heliocentric proof?

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