[ebooktalk] Re: BOOKS OF MY LIFE

  • From: "David Russell" <david.russell8@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 09:59:53 +0100


I am trying to work out my all time favourite books, but it is very
difficult.  I pretty well hate all fantasy books, including Harry potter,
Lord of the Rings, and Terry Pratchett.

I really did try hard with J K Rowling, just to see what the fuss was about,
but it all seemed silly to me.

I have three favourites pretty well agreed upon, but will try to come up
with a few more before I let you all know.


-----Original Message-----
From: ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Steven Bingham
Sent: 30 June 2013 09:55
To: ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ebooktalk] Re: BOOKS OF MY LIFE

Hurray someone else who doesn't like Lord of the Rings. I tried listening to
the radio series back in 1969 and hated it. Under considerable pressure I
tried to read it a few years ago and gave us. I don't know if it is the
fantasy or whether it is that I feel the whole thing is just a pointless

I am not keen on Terry Pratchett either but there I think it is something to
do with there being no rules. If there are no rules anything can happen and
there doesn't have to be a reason for it. I gave up all attempts at reading
him after the story I was reading suddenly materialised in the middle of a
present day aircraft. Pointless!

Harry Potter I can deal with because although there is magic it does conform
to its own rules. I like the way that the magic is played down and the
normal is slightly exaggerated. 

I am also trying to come up with the books of my life but it is not easy.


-----Original Message-----
From: ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ebooktalk-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Pele West
Sent: 30 June 2013 09:15
To: ebooktalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ebooktalk] Re: BOOKS OF MY LIFE

Hi Everyone

I cannot get on with "Lord of the Rings" at all.  Peter reread it recently
and I heard bits and still did not like it. There is too much fantassy for

One of the things I like about Harry Potter is that there is enough normal
things, such as having to do homework and difficulties with being teenagers,
to keep me interested.


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