[duxhelp] Re: 10.5 and BrailleNote

  • From: "Betsy Whitney, Dolphin Press" <brailleit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:01:11 -1000

Aloha Karen,
Having worked with this over the weekend, I have more info. It seems that the problem is that when going in to Duxbury, the new scripts set the mode to structured, and unlink the cursor. On both the BrailleNote and my PowerBraille, I have discovered that I can change these settings through the use of keys on the braille displays. However, I have my JAWS set to "line mode, and the braille and active cursors tethered. It seems to me that the settings in JAWS should control these items. In every other program that I have on my computer, JAWS follows
my chosen settings.

Now that I have figured out how to change these settings on the braille displays, when I use the thumbkeys it does show that there is a blank line and I hear the word blank. I didn't know that the scripts were unlinking the cursors.

If this is unclear, please let me know.

At 10:48 AM 7/12/2004, you wrote:
Hello Betsy.  Thanks for your report.

I do see a problem with this.  But I want to make sure that this is the same
problem that you are talking about.  When I down arrow on the computer
keyboard and the cursor moves over a blank line, I hear a beep to let me
know that is there.  However, when I use the BrailleNote's thumb key to move
down a line, I do not hear any beep.  This is indeed a problem.

When you use a thumb key to move down (or up) a line and the cursor moves
past a blank line, I assume that you want to hear a beep to let you know
about the blank line.  Do you want to see something on the braille display
as well?

Thanks again for this report.


-----Original Message----- From: duxhelp-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:duxhelp-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Betsy Whitney, Dolphin Press Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 7:38 AM To: duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [duxhelp] 10.5 and BrailleNote

I am running Win ME, JFW 4.02.52 and have downloaded DBT 10.5.

When I open a translated braille file in DBT, I am not seeing the blank
lines as I use the thumbkeys on the braille display. If I use the down
arrow on my regular keyboard, the blank lines show. Do I need to change
some setting in JFW? This was happening in the previous version of the beta

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