[softwarelist] Re: OvationPro and memory allocation

  • From: JMAH van Vredenburch <janvredenburch@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 17:18:14 +0200

In message of 13 Jul 2006 I wrote


> If you take out the next 2 applets there is no flickering:
> !ColSupp
> !TextPal
> I appreciate that the absence of !ColSupp is not asked for :-(

Further investigation shows that !ColSupp only leads to flickering if 
it is only followed by !NudgPal. I then have the following applets 

!!!!!!!bm     !!arrayLib     !Abbrev     !AlphaSrt     !Arrange     
!BMButton     !Capital     !Clipbrds     !ColPal     !ColSupp        

If I add the following applets:
     !Contents     !Custom     !Dbase
flickering stops.

The reason of the presence of the Nudge palette is that OvPro cannot 
open a window if the applets directory is completely empty. But this 
is probably due to the contents of my !Macros file.

> Regards,
> JohnvV

Jhr JMAH van Vredenburch

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