[blindeudora] Re: Eudora

  • From: northstar1950@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: blindeudora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:41:42 -0500

hmmm, sounds like you may have some floating windows open, try pressing ctrl+w till everything is closed then press ctrl+1 to re-open the inbox.

Legend has it that on Thursday 5/28/2015 11:26 AM, Donna said:

Well it just did it again i got two new messages the first was fine then it went to the last one it said something like this 65 k then something that I did not get or understand any help will be appreciated I deleted the in toc files in udora i had three of them deleted them all then i re booted ..At 06:58 AM 5/28/2015, you wrote:
o' do not delete the in.mbx because that will delete all of your inbox messages, just the in.toc file will rebuild the inbox.

Legend has it that on Wednesday 5/27/2015 10:32 PM, Chris Smart said:
If you want to rebuild the inbox, go to Eudora's application data folder and delete in.mbx and in.toc. relaunch Eudora.

At 11:21 PM 5/27/2015, you wrote:
At 02:24 PM 5/27/2015, you wrote:
starting today my last unread message in the inbox says like numbers and letters cannot get them down fast enough is there soomething I delete that rebuilds itself hope this makes since..
OH after the numbers and letters it is a actual e mail that reads just fine

Donna -

Can you explain further what you mean by "... my last unread message in the inbox says like numbers and letters cannot get them down fast enough ..." and what it is that you are looking to "... rebuild ...?" If you can provide either a direct sample of what you are talking about or perhaps even a screen shot it might be helpful in figuring out what the problem is.


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