[argyllcms] Re: Calibrating a digital photo frame

  • From: "Lars Tore Gustavsen" <lars.tore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 14:08:29 +0100

On 12/14/07, Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OK. I'm convinced, so I've made the necessary changes to dispcal. If anyone
> wants to compile it and give it a go (or would like a binary of dispcal
> for a particular platform), let me know and I'll email it or put it on the 
> website.
> Graeme Gill.
I have tested the patched dispread, and I have now the first color
managed cellphone (Nokia 5500)  in the world. :-)
I was of course a stupid test, but it was a quite funny. My goal was
not to create a high quality profile, it was  more to play with the
new dispread. I don't use my cellphone for any image related task..

Command (I used my DTP-94)
dispread -yl -c1 -C "./skript" display

and my script with bluetooth upload and  patch creation

echo -n "Enter to continue"
#next line is not very pretty
echo "$*"|cut -f 1-3 -d " "| sed s/\ /,/g|sed s/^/convert\ -size\
200x200\ \'xc:rgb\(/g|sed s/$/\)\'\ patch.jpg/g > create
sh create
obexftp -b 00:18:0F:A6:37:3D -B11 -c E:/Images -p "patch.jpg"

read ENTER

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