[arachne] Re: Arachne for Linux....

  • From: "Glenn McCorkle" <glennmcc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 16:14:06 -0500

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

OK folks....

Fixed the typos in both links on http://www.glennmcc.org/a193gpl/

Also added these step-by-step install instructions to the page....


To install.....

1) login as root
2) extract the package via.... tar -z -xf arachne-svgalib-1.93.tgz
3) CD to the arachne-svgalib-1.93 directory
4) run ./install (basic dependency checks will be done by the script)
   If all is well and you have all the needed dependencies....
5) 'enter on-through' all dir & command prompts to use the defaults
6) Alter your /etc/vga/libvga.config file as needed to get svgalib
   working correctly with your graphics card, monitor & mouse.
7) not in X, nor in a terminal emulator in X, but ONLY at the CLI...
   to start Arachne v1.93;Linux, simply type.... arachne <enter>

As to this comment from Ray.....

"But I'm sticking to my bet that the original linux code
 is simply too broken to work."

FYI.... it's not broken and _never_ was broken.

It took my only 2 evenings of work to make the needed mods in the SRC
code to get her compiled and running. And I don't know jack about Linux

Everything we needed was already in the code. All I had to do was make
a few more additional #ifdef & #ifndef spots so that the additional
stuff we have done over the last few years which is DOS specific and
does not work in Linux would not be used in the Linux compile.

Take a look at these screen-caps.... it's not just conjecture....
Arachne v1.93;Linux _IS_ a reality.

http://www.glennmcc.org/my-stuff/arlinux1.gif (local file)
http://www.glennmcc.org/my-stuff/arlinux2.gif (remote file)

                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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