[Wittrs] Re: [C] Re: Re: Metaphysical Versus Mystical

  • From: Sean Wilson <whoooo26505@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:19:18 -0800 (PST)


I'm not sure you and I have any hope of connecting up on this thread in its 
current form. The replies you sent to me slightly have some of the features we 
had talked with Stuart about. Some come too quickly before the point is 
absorbed.  I think you might have sent them out in a rush. But there are very 
good things here and there, and several questions that I have -- along with a 
few things that I think quite problematic. Here's what I will do in the next 
few days. I'm going to separate out many of the issues here into their own 
threads and launch them. They won't mention you per se (at least, not the 
separate ones), so you will be free to join in or not, depending upon what your 
considerate view might be. 

Also, let me say this as a preliminary matter: I think that to the extent you 
and I will disagree, it would be the result of how to approach the Tractatus. I 
cannot accept your teleological approach in this context, because I am writing 
a (very) brief history of Tractatarian thought for my manuscript. What I am 
interested in is the historical Tractatus -- the Tractatus that existed in the 
mind of Wittgenstein before what of it crumbled and fell. So I'm not looking at 
it through the lens of latter Wittgensteinian thought. That right there might 
be the thing that separates us.

But if you do have any sources or insight regarding what I am about to say, for 
the purposes that I am saying it, your input is always appreciated.

(Mails coming soon. For about 24 hrs. No need to rush in reply, if at all)  

Dr. Sean Wilson, Esq.
Assistant Professor
Wright State University
Personal Website: http://seanwilson.org
SSRN papers: http://ssrn.com/author=596860
Discussion Group: http://seanwilson.org/wittgenstein.discussion.html 

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