[windows2000] Home router recommendations

  • From: "Ray Costanzo" <rcostanzo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Windows 2000 List" <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 06:24:55 -0400

Hi list,


I'm looking to replace my main router at home and the two main reasons are
lack of features that I would now like.  They are:


.         Either no limit or a limit greater than 20 for the number of ports
that can be opened and forwarded to internal hosts on the network

.         The ability to annotate port forwarding entries.  I'd like it so
that when I open a port and forward it, I can put a note in there that says
"RDP for machineA" or "FTP site 1 access for brother"

.         A plus would be if I could also implement some sort of IP security
when I open ports, so that if I want to setup an FTP site specifically for
my brother, I can restrict access at the firewall level to his IP only.


The answer can be "Install ISA Server" if it must be, but I'd really like to
avoid that great learning curve!


Thank you,


Ray at work

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