[uae] Re: OS X configuration editor for E-UAE

  • From: Jens Weichert <nexusle@xxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 10:34:23 +0100


here are some things to be changed in the editor.


- If SCSI is selected, a second line with the "device" must be written to the config

                scsi_device=IODVDServices/0 for DVD writers
                scsi_device=IOCompactDiscServices/0 for CD writers

2. The obsoleted entrys must be deleted in the GUI

- There are many entrys, which obsoleted, see Rich's posts before for the entrys or ask him

3. The listing in the config

- Please, generate a config with WinUAE or Rich's Linux E-UAE. You'll see, there is a system in the config.
The generated entrys by Hi-Toro stand on other places.
Every entry is on the same line in all configs in the WinUAE generated configs
- I think it's easier and faster to detect a entry by the line number (and check then).

So long, I wait for the implementation of the rest ;o)

Bye Jens

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