[uae] Re: OS X configuration editor for E-UAE

  • From: Daniel Pimley <uae@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 11:36:15 +0000

On 8 Jan 2005, at 09:34, Jens Weichert wrote:


here are some things to be changed in the editor.


- If SCSI is selected, a second line with the "device" must be written to the config

                scsi_device=IODVDServices/0 for DVD writers
                scsi_device=IOCompactDiscServices/0 for CD writers

2. The obsoleted entrys must be deleted in the GUI

- There are many entrys, which obsoleted, see Rich's posts before for the entrys or ask him

I'm adding SCSI device support now. I didn't do it before because I had no idea how it worked, but Richard's docs now show how to do it. I'm also adding bsdsocket and raw key mapping switches, and a hard drive configurator. I was going to leave the obsolete refresh and vsync options in case a config was being created to be used in WinUAE, but I think I will remove them. Anyone who wants to set refresh and vsync options can add the lines to the default config file and they'll be written to saved configs as pass-through options.

I'm also changing the "OK" action a bit. Hi-Toro doesn't quit now, it just hides and waits for E-UAE to quit. When E-UAE quits Hi-Toro shows again. I think this is more useful if you are experimenting with configs. Hopefully a new version of Hi-Toro will be ready at the end of the week.

3. The listing in the config

- Please, generate a config with WinUAE or Rich's Linux E-UAE. You'll see, there is a system in the config.
The generated entrys by Hi-Toro stand on other places.
Every entry is on the same line in all configs in the WinUAE generated configs
- I think it's easier and faster to detect a entry by the line number (and check then).

What about hand made configs, or configs the user has been messing with? What if WinUAE or Richard changes the option order in the config files? Hi-Toro is slow, but bullet proof, and that's the way I like it. Unfortunately, human readable and editable text files are an incredibly inefficient way of handling data.

P.S. Many thanks to Richard for his work on 0.8.27

Daniel Pimley

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