[texbirds] Proposal to Ban Revealing Nest Locations in TEXBIRDS

  • From: David Sarkozi <david@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:43:34 -0500

I couple of people have expressed concern to me over people revealing
nest locations on TEXBIRDs. I'm considering banning the revealing of
any nest location on TEXBIRDS. While the great majority will use some
common sense and leave a nest be, It only take one person to do
something stupid cause a nest failure. The wider you broadcast a
location, the greater the chance the location reaches that one person.

I am not of the camp we should never disturb a bird, the very act of
birding disturbs birds and a bird's life by some measures a series of
disturbances. A bird by just trying to feed itself takes some risks.
That said a nesting bird does try to minimize risk to the nest and
repeated disturbance by even the best intention humans is a
disturbance the bird has little defense against. If we can tell the
bird is aware of our presence there is a disturbance.

Clearly there are some some reasonable exceptions that would have to
be made, I don't see a need to ban something like mentioning the
rookery at High Island where the nesting birds are the attraction.
These cases are few and far between. A recent picture from a state
park of a nesting hawk looking straight down at a photographer are the
kind of things I'm thinking of.

My mind is not made up on this yet and I welcome your feedback and a
debate on this, Keep it civil and state your reasoning for your
position though.

David Sarkozi, List Owner TEXBIRD
Houston, TX
(713) 412-4409 twitter ID dsarkozi
Edit your Freelists account settings for TEXBIRDS at 

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