[sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123" for DMARC)
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 11:15:09 -0400

I just said a block on RR in retaliation. he is the one who started this
block business, don't blame me. Think, think, think before posting?

Stan the no block free speech man

-----Original Message-----
From: schalestock <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, Oct 1, 2015 10:57 am
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

Hell Stanley, why not just put a block on EVERYBODY. That would eliminate all
your problems.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123" for DMARC)
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 10:28:14 -0400

It would be nice if we could get all of us on the net to put a block on RR
as a matter of principal to be allowed on the net? Unfortunatly JS, pixiehat
and who knows who else would go along with this?

Question - Would any of you care to go on record to put a block on RR?

I would if the rest of you would?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wed, Sep 30, 2015 8:41 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

You have been added to my blocked email list along with Stan. I will not see
anymore of your emails unless another participant, other that Stan, responds to


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 30, 2015 4:43 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

So show me where the Red Cross report was revised.
The originsl forsensic report only says small sections of the last notebook
were rewritten by an editor.
I have re written pages of authors stories. This is a kid's notebook diary,
not a mature destined and manicured for publication author's work.
So show me where the Red Cross book was edited.
On Sep 30, 2015 5:13 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That is not what the original forensic report said. It said that an entire
section, not just notes, had been written with a ball point pen.

The Red Cross report you sent link to is a revised version of the original
report. Hmmm, I wonder what part they revised? The book that makes reference to
it contains the original text.

The complete lack of any hard evidence that supports the holocaust gas chambers
story, combined with all the hard evidence given under sworn testimony that
disproves it, along with all the lies that were told, and the necessity to pass
laws that make it a criminal offense to even question the story makes it
impossible for me to ever believe it. And I am not alone. Many Jews after
examining all the evidence do not believe it either.

Will not comment any further. If you continue then I will put you on my blocked
sender's list along with Stan because I'm sick of talking about it. You keep
repeating the same questions over and over again and when I respond you call me


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 30, 2015 2:01 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

If you think that is what I said, you did read what I said.
The report from the German National Police lab did not prove that the Diaries
were fake.
There were ball point markings on the pages but every word written by Anne
Frank was written in fountain pen or pencil, with the fountain pen only one
specific color and type was used.
Even though new evidence has been introduced, you continue to use your
disproven statements.
The ballpoint ink that was used was in a different hand and different color
than all the writing by Anne Frank.
After all, she was dead.
If you remember, I had a friend of mine read the original report in German, his
native language.
You said that it said the diaries were fakes because they had writing that was
from a ball point pen. But the report doesn't say that, it says that ball
point writing was found on the last journal and that it was notations by an
It is very common for an editor to write in either red pen on your manuscript
giving instructions for the type setter.
I guess you had forgotten what you read that I told you which explains your
reverting back to the Revisionist's Party Line.
Remember when you told me the Red Cross report never mentioned the treatment of
Jews as being horrendous and how the original copies of the reports had all
been destroyed?
I sent you a link to the official English translation which is on archive.org,
but I guess because it totally disproved your story about the treatment of the
Jews during WWII by the NAZIs, you did not read it.
RR, you have a convenient memory, only remembering your earlier remarks, and
not remembering the documentation that disproved the Revisionist propaganda.

On Sep 30, 2015 3:23 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I made that standard. I believe it is also the Libertarian standard.

The basic law of economics states that whenever there is demand for something
somebody will always step up to provide it. Nobody forces people to take
illegal drugs and taking illegal drugs hurts nobody but the people who take
them. Making drugs illegal drives up the price X10 and is what creates that bad
effects. The biggest drug dealer in the world is the CIA.

As commander of the army Hitler gave orders to attack but he never gave an
order to specifically kill anybody.

Forensics revealed that a portion of the Anne Frank Diary was written with a
ball point pen which proved that it had to have been written after 1951. We
have gone over that until I'm sick of repeating myself. You tried to discredit
it saying the the ball point pen was invented earlier than that, but it was the
ink that is used in ball point pens that wasn't invented until 1951 that proved
it was a fake.

It was Eichmann who claimed that he was "just following orders" during his
trial in Israel in 1961, not during the War Crime Trials, another
misconception. Speaking of lies I was remembering growing up as a child and
being told by teachers the tale of Nazis making lampshades out of human skin.
This was during the 1950's long after that lie had been disproved. I feel like
my mind was poisoned by Zionists and is one of the reasons why I speak out now.


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 30, 2015 12:30 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

"I can do anything I like providing I don't hurt anybody else."

Who made that the standard? You can smuggle in drugs as long as no one dies?
You can sell drugs to a drug dealer, after all the drug dealer didn't die from
the drugs. Hitler never killed anyone, he just gave orders to kill.

Democracies go by the standard that one person alone doesn't make the laws.

When one person makes the laws, you have something quite different.

You didn't comment about any of the facts I stated, you just changed the
subject in order to deflect the issue.

Typical RR, when you get caught in your untruths, you try to wiggle. Maggots
wiggle too.

Hitler gave orders to his armies and navies - they killed people for him.

You would have been at the War Crime Trials arguing that you only carried out
orders and that it was the Jews fault for being easier to kill than lice.

Remember the ballpoint pen markings on the Diary! Such a hoot! And you had
the audacity to say that it was proven that the Diary was a fabrication after

It wasn't.

But you're a master manipulator - at least in your own mind.

Problem is you're not going to go unchallenged here.

Stanley keeps asking you questions but you never answer him.

Of course, Stanley has learned that trick from you when it comes to J. Pollard

So you don't want to answer my statements, you'd rather divert the discussion?

Everyone knows your tricks.

Even if you don't hurt someone you can violate a law.

Of course, when it comes to Jews, you can do an Adolph Hitler and define them
as non-persons, just like many have done with those live births where the
child's head is crushed before he can breath his first (or second) breath.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You can't do this, and you can't do that. Are you a slave? A little child?

I can do anything I like providing I don't hurt anybody else.


-----Original Message-----

From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 29, 2015 11:20 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian


When you buy a book, you buy a right to have a copy of copyright material.

If you send someone a copy of a digital book you have purchased from Amazon, it
will not open on someone else's digital reader because it contains Digital
Rights Management encoding.

If you have disabled the DRM encoding by reverse engineering or other means,
and given it to someone else, you are committing a crime if you retain a copy
of the material. Just like you can't give a book to someone else when you have
reprinted the book for your own use and retained a copy.

Sleep well - you are delusional - perhaps the same state of mind that Adolph
Hitler was in when he "didn't gas the Jews' as you keep stating.

If you de-DRM your books and put them on torrents, you are committing massive
copyright infringement.

It is a crime.

Just like Hitler, you cannot make the crime go away no matter how many times
you tell yourself it never happened.


On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:45 AM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When you buy a book you do not buy a license. You are confusing books with
computer software.

According to you then it's OK if I share my electronic book with somebody else
as long as I destroy my copy after I send it to them. Well, that's what I do
since I have no use for it after I have read it and it just takes up space on
my reader. Ebooks are not like printed books that you put in a bookshelf.

All ebooks are shared. When I buy an ebook from Amazon they send me a copy of a
file over the Internet. That is the only possible way to transfer an ebook from
one person to another.

I am very happy and at peace. Every night I give thanks to God for all the
wonderful things he has given me, not the least of which is a clarity that
allows me to see through all the bullshit. If that means I am insane then so be


-----Original Message-----
From: "David J. J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 29, 2015 8:53 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

No, RR, I am not retarded, but I believe you only state part of the truth so
that it does not appear at first inspection that you are wrong.

What you are saying is untrue. I will correct you which will mean after you are
corrected, if you repeat your untruth, you will be doing so with intent. You
are justifying crimes.

We have over this before. You have offered nothing to refute the truth of what
I said.

When a person buys a book, he buys a license to copyright intellectual property
and a electronic file, or paper or other media having the property. Let's say
it is a book.

Libraries buy books, they then either lease or give away their rights to the
book for a limited period of time. While the person has the book, the library
does not have it. Libraries also buy digital copies of books, audio books,
music, they lease or give away by loaning their copy. When the borrower has it,
the library no longer has that copy or license to use it.

Likewise individuals buy books, records, movies, they also can lend the book or
lease it.

Both can also give up their rights to the property by selling or giving the
book or other media away.

When they do so, they no longer have both possession of the media or permission
to posess it.


The person serving a purchased book, can serve ONLY one copy.

They cannot serve any more copies until the copy is returned and if the loaned
copy is digital, it must either be automatically deleted (as it is when I fail
to return digital media to my local library), or the person who borrowed it
must destroy the copy.

Otherwise you could buy a Kindle digital book from Amazon, return it for refund
and still have the book.

If you stll have the book, you have engaged in theft.

The person "sharing" files is actually not sharing something beyong the first
copy -- which still remains with the sharer - so all copies that are "shared"
are actually stollen copies.

If the file is downloaded 1,000 times and the book sells for $10.00, the person
has stollen $10,000.00 worth of books.

If you pass on a book, you no longer have it.

What is happening on with file sharing is not sharing at all. EVERY copy shared
is in fact stollen because the ORIGINAL copy of the book still exists.

These people -- just like Richard said - are using torrents like a copy machine
or printing press to produce unauthorized, illegal, copies. The torrent site
and file sharing software such as limewire, frostwire, actually make the user
agree NOT to download unauthorized copyrighted digital property and they warn
that doing so is a crime.

You are just involved in criminal justification, and also engaging in criminal
behavor in your use of Direct TV.

But we knew that about you from your past behavior.

It's all about RR, who is a controlling person who engages in criminal behavior
and commits crimes and is delusional because he attempts to justify his
behavior by statements which are not true. When you get caught, you lash out
with abuse in an attempt to controll others by intimidation and diffusion.

Like I said, you live in a special world of your own imagination having vert
little connection to objective reality. That is an indicator of insanity.


On September 29, 2015 9:39:38 PM EDT, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Seriously are you retarded? Most of the books that people share on torrent
sites were purchased by them. People also share books they got from somebody
else, like you giving me a book that you read and I pass it on to somebody else
after I read it. 99% of the books on torrent sites were originally purchased by
somebody. The only reason I say 99% and not 100% of the books were purchased is
because although it's highly unlikely, it would be possible for somebody to
actually steal a book, scan it with character recognition software and offer to
share it without telling anybody that it was stolen, but the chances of that
are near zero because it would be of poor quality and not worth the effort it
took unless the book was old and not available in electronic form, in which
case the copyright would have expired. I d on't believe it is possible to steal
an electronic book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, except by using a stolen
credit card to buy it.

I am obsessed? How many are obsessed with the USS Liberty? How many postings
has Stan made on that subject? Hundred's at least. Same with Lee and even you.

I have offered proof for everything I have said except for a few times where I
have acknowledged my mistake. You might not accept my proof just as Stanley
will not accept that the Israelis were guilty of attacking the USS Liberty or
that Pollard was guilty of any wrong doing but that doesn't make those things
untrue. Why is it that you can see this in others but never in yourself?


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 29, 2015 6:29 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

Your statements are untrue.

It does not matter if a person "makes money" from intellectual property theft.
They are not entitled to posses what they have illegally taken.

That is theft.

It does not matter if I would have ever purchased a complete e-Books collection
worth $8,000 if I had to pay for it. Or how about this bundle of books costing
over $12,000?

The thief found it worthy of value, which is why he downloaded it.

As to your verbally abusing others - it isn't true that you only do it when
they "call you a liar and a thief" for example, see below my signature.

For the record, you appear to be obsessed. It is obvious to others as well.

Obviously nearly everything that you say has been shown to be untrue.

If you think it is true, you are deluded.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Repeat. All I did was ask one simple question because I was curious. Nothing
more. I wasn't trying to imply anything. For this you say that I am obsessed.

I didn't say that JJ was making derogatory remarks about Arabs. I said that it
appeared to me that he might have been.


That would be tantamount to me accusing JJ of making derogatory remarks. The
only reason I told you that was to explain my actions to you. And for that you
obsess about me.

You know what? Go fuck yourself.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Freedland
Sent: Jul 21, 2015 7:44 PM
To: "sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Stowaways


Again you accuse me of attacking you personally, and again I have to explain
that that isn't true. You're a smart guy. Why can't you understand that the
name of this thread is Stowaways? It's reasonable to expect that posts to this
thread should relate only to stowaways, not to Jews, Zionists, Israel, etc.


As far as my saying that you're obsessed, please prove me wrong.


Richard Freedland

Sent from my iPad.

On Jul 21, 2015, at 6:00 PM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The U. S. used to be a nation with laws that protect your freedom. Now it's a
nation of laws that enslave people.

I can only repeat that copying intellectual property for personal use is not
theft because it takes nothing away from anybody else and you cannot say that
it deprives anybody of income they would have received had you not copied it
beause in most cases they never would have purchased it in the first place. The
only people it deprives are people who cannot afford it.

Yes it's true that I verbally assault people and tell them to go fuck
themselves when they call me a liar and a thief when all I am trying to do is
help them.

I agree that a great many people are delusional and are needlessly suffering
because of it but I assure you that I am not one of them. I am at peace with
the world. I don't agree with some people but that is entirely their problem,
not mine. If Jews murder innocent people and steal their land then I assume
that sooner or la ter somebody is going to even up the score. I just don't like
to see anybody hurt. It's not the Jewish people who are to blame but their
leaders but it will be the Jewish people who will suffer the most.


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."

Sent: Sep 29, 2015 12:01 PM
To: "sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

I'm not a slave. I live in a nation with laws.

Copying intellectual property without permission is theft.

I cannot parse that so that it let's you off the hook.

Just because you didn't "feel" that other people were stealing, they were.

I remember that you made a remark that I (and others) were ruled by our
emotions that decided upon things. You said you did not do that, but right now
you tell me you did exactly that. You tell me you didn't "feel" that others
were stealing from you - you let your emotions rule you, you didn't use logic
and science.

I have never seen you parse things so that you are responsible, if people don't
agree with you, you take out your anger with them by verbally assaultng them.

Yet you say you are happy.

I think you are complet ely delusional and so far from any understanding of
truth that you are in danger of losing yourself.

That's what happens when people make a world of their own understanding that
has no counterpart in reality. You say you make decisions by reason, yet you
just tell me it's because you didn't feel people were stealing from you.

Be consistent and you might yet save yourself from total insanity.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Back in the late 1980's and early 1990's I used to write and publish software.
I discovered that far more people copied it and shared it with other people
than bought it. That is how I learned about intellectual property rights.
(Since then in the U.S. they have passed laws that offer more protection). I
regretted that people were using my software without paying for it but I never
felt that they were stealing from me. I did it to help people and make their
lives better not just to make money. Not everything is measured in money. The
only thing I wanted to prevent was other software publishers stealing my
software and selling it without paying me because that would have been theft.

You and I have different values. That's OK. More than anything else I feel
sorry for you because you are a slave to whatever some self proclaimed
authority orders you to do, whether it be the government and the big
corporations that control government or some priest or cult.

The truth is that I am free and sometimes I think that I might just be the
happiest person in the world. I look around and see people like you who are
suffering, needlessly for the most part because they have been brainwashed into
believing a systems that were designed to enslave them. You must do this and
you must not do that, often under the barrel of a gun.


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 29, 2015 9:03 AM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

Free? You are so enslaved to self justification that either you lie to
yourself or you ignore it.
Your trying to make a case that because DirectTV doesn't sell to people in
Costa Rica, that your theft of their services is legit. Plus you double down
on the untruth to say that free market capitalism should compete equally with
stollen goods. It cannot. Stollen goods have little costs to pay amortize and
their sellers make huge profits compared to legit business who must pay their
suppliers and employees. Stollen goods are highly profitable.
It doesn't matter if a person involved in a crime derives a benefit from the
crime or not. What torrents do with free material is share. That is fine with
everyone. But what torrents do to copyright materials is theft. It doesn't
matter if the person servin up the files is getting paid. He has no right to
serve up the files. That is where the theft is. Let him pay for a world-wide
unlimited distribution license. If he did, he would have to charge for the
files he is supplying, but he wouldn't be stealing, except if he is stealing
bandwidth from someone else's computer system as so often happens with illegal
sharing of files. Why should universities and businesses pay for your
reception of stollen files, not only are the files being stollen but the use of
the servers used are stollen as well.
Stolen copies of real goods always cost less, otherwise people would buy the
real goods.
That is why Direct TV that is stollen in Costa Rica is cheaper.
You refuse to accept that you are enjoying the work of many people, while not
paying for the work.
Direct TV probably is NOT allowed to sell it's licensed content outside of the
USA. Go try to purchase the Costa Rican rights to all the content, then go to
a sattelite owner and purchase their transmission services.
I bet you the cost would far exceed what we pay in the USA
Communists often agitate saying the raw material in a drug for AIDS costs less
than a dollar, but the leftists say it is robbery that they charge $300.00 a
pill for it.
Often communists have failed to understand basic business accounting: The cost
to all the users of a particular drug has to exceed the costs of manufacture,
transportation and research and development. If these costs are not recovered,
the particular company will go out of business and no longer produce these
drugs or research other drugs.
As for your illustration about book publishing, there are many authors who self
published bound books, many of which were republished by large publishing
Book publishers certainly never controlled the means of distribution,
booksellers have usually been independant businesses who attend book shows,
read magazines, attend lectures locally and often internationally where
independant authors advertise their books for sale.
What you say - as so often is the case - is simply not true.

On Sep 29, 2015 10:02 AM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The way I see it is that I am free and you are not.

I also find it fun to use my knowledge and skill to beat the system. It costs
DirecTV or anybody else absolutely nothing for me to hack their system. DirecTV
isn't deprived of anything since they refuse to sell their services to me even
though I offered to pay for them.

You claim to support free market capitalism but it seems to me that you are
just a compliant slave to what has become a fascist state where satellite TV,
cable TV, telephone, Internet, healthcare and other living expenses costs
double or triple of what they cost in other countries. A free market system
should enjoy the lowest costs, not the highest.

Take book publishing, for example. Up until recently throughout all of human
history book publishing was very expensive. Book publishers had to gamble a lot
of money to print up thousand's of books in the hope they could sell them, and
always ended up with some they couldn't sell. For this reason if a book sold
for $10 the author might only receive $1 in royalties. Authors could not
compete with publishers even if they wanted to because the publishers
controlled the system of distribution. Authors found it very difficult to get
published because no publisher wanted to gamble on an unknown author.

Fast forward to today. An aspiring author can publish a book in electronic form
in unlimited quantities for absolutely nothing. This has changed everything.
One of my favorite authors, B. V. Larson could not find a publisher for his
books so he started publishing his books in electronic form and selling over
the Internet and became an overnight success who has sold millions of copies of
his books worldwide. I stumbled upon some of his books on a torrent site. He
put them there himself. I liked them so much that I bought more. Andy Weir did
the same with his book The Martian. Had it not have been for torrent sites I
never would have known about either author.

What you need to understand about torrents is that you can only download them
from another person's computer and that person does not derive any benefit from



-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 28, 2015 10:31 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

I would do without whatever it was.
I do not support satellite services directly, no Direct TV, I don't purchase
cable TV, my life was spent in radio and television broadcasting, and I only
support those services (broadcast radio), I do not buy cell phone service
because cell phones were deliberately exempted from FCC requirements for
General Radiotelephone Operator's License for repair. I support licensed radio
technicians under local 103 IBEW, ARA ROU IATSE, etc.
I read and have wired phone and Internet, and have radio and television
receivers with excellent antennas.
I may eventually have to change from copper wire telephone to fiber optic, but
it was satellite that took away my jobs.
Instead on many people working in radio, the programs are satellite feeds,
cheaper for the owners, but for me too expensive because it cost me and others
in related radio unions their jobs.

On Sep 28, 2015 11:32 PM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

What should I do?

-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."

Sent: Sep 28, 2015 8:53 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

Who would have thought. A pirate subscription is cheaper than a legal
subscrption where payments are made to those that produce the materials.

We call these people thieves and scabs.

You're not paying your union brothers.

I was a member of IATSE and IBEW which produced television shows and stage

Without people paying the price of the seats, we don't eat, the talent doesn't
get paid, the lights don't go on.

Now I know the face of those that take money from the babies of my union

The Jews have a word for it - it is not kosher - anything that deprives a
person of justice isn't kosher and it is forbidden for a Jew to be involved
with it.

I bet Stanley doesn't steal TV programs by using a dish.

Do you Stanley? Is RR the only thief here?



On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I did some research and it appears that copyright infringement is illegal in
the U.S. but isn't in most other countries.

Paying online poker is illegal in the U.S. but isn't in other countries.

Gambling of any kind on the Internet is illegal in the U.S. but not in other

It is illegal to subscribe to services like DirecTV or Netflix here in Costa
Rica. DirecTV won't sell you a subscription and Netflix is blocked outside the
U.S.. My only option is a pirate subscription which is not illegal. A
subscription from DirecTV that costs $150/month in the U.S. only costs $9
/month here and includes a VOD service that is much better than Netflix.


-----Original Message-----
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr."
Sent: Sep 27, 2015 11:39 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

Money or free doesn't change things.
Copyright means you cannot copy without permission of copyright holder.
Stan, because things are done for free does not change the crime.
Murder for money, or murder for free is still murder.
On Sep 27, 2015 12:25 PM, "Redacted sender sblumen123 for DMARC"
<dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Richard & RR
The way I see it from way back is that a copywrite means it cant be used
for profit without permission.

Stan on the net

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Freedland <gadaoman2@xxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, Sep 26, 2015 9:10 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian


Wow! I'm sure glad you're not one of those personal-attackers that you
complained about in the past!

I'll let stand my posts, and you do likewise. Let's leave it up to the net to
decide who's right and who's wrong.

Have a nice day!


Richard Freedland

Sent from my iPad.

On Sep 26, 2015, at 8:40 PM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Andy Weir is not a legal authority. Just what did you hope to accomplish?

What a complete asshole you are. You will never be hearing from again and I
hope to never hear from you again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Freedland
Sent: Sep 26, 2015 4:53 PM
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Fw: The Martian

From the horse's mouth (Andy Weir):


Well he's factually inaccurate when he says it's not a crime. It actually is in
most cases.

As to the morality of piracy, I won't trudge into that topic. People get really
passionate about it, and no one's going to change their minds. So why bother
arguing in the first place?

Worth noting: The Martian was originally free on my website. So this may be a
bit of a special case.



On 9/26/2015 2:58 PM, Richard Freedland wrote:

Dear Mr. Weir:

I have an acquaintance who read you book recently and recommended it very
highly. In fact, he posted a link to a BitTorrent-like site
(https://torrentz.eu/079a2887bb3ac78680d1c3766773f6cbf4169d05), where he
suggested others download the book and/or the audiobook version.

My comment to him was that downloading any form of the book was tantamount to
stealing, since neither you nor your publisher would receive any compensation.
Here is his reply:

"I find it offensive for you to call me a thief.

"A thief is somebody who takes something that belongs somebody else and leaves
them that much poorer.

"If I get a book, movie, or song from somebody else who has purchased it, then
neither the author, artist or publisher is any the poorer. Neither can you make
the argument that I deprived anybody of money that they would have received
because chances are that I wouldn't have bought it anyway. It is neither a
crime nor is it immoral. On the contrary when you share something with others
it increases in value because more people benefit from it."

I wonder if you would care to comment on my acquaintance's thinking. Maybe it
is OK with you if others download your work without compensating you. Either
way, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Thanks for your time. And, yes, I do plan on purchasing a legitimate copy of
The Martian!

Best regards,

Richard Freedland

Sent from my iPad.

Sent from my iPad.

On Sep 26, 2015, at 5:36 PM, Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Richard, the Sanctimonious Hypocrite,

The only reason why torrent sites are sometimes shut down is because they
cannot always control what people put on them to share.

If it were illegal to share books then they would have to shut down all the
libraries in the world.

You still haven't answered my question about Jews bulldozing peoples' houses
and taking their land. Why not? I answered yours.

I have no idea what your religion is, nor do I care. All I said was that it was
a typical Jew response. If I said that it was a typical Buddhist response, or a
typical Swedish response would anybody find that offensive? Why should anybody
be offended if I use the 'J' word as you call it?. You can call me a Christian
all day long. I'm proud of it. You really are a brainwashed and confused

I find it offensive for you to call me a thief.

A thief is somebody who takes something that belongs somebody else and leaves
them that much poorer.

If I get a book, movie, or song from somebody else who has purchased it, then
neither the author, artist or publisher is any the poorer. Neither can you make
the argument that I deprived anybody of money that they would have received
because chances are that I wouldn't have bought it anyway. It is neither a
crime nor is it immoral. On the contrary when you share something with others
it increases in value because more people benefit from it.

The case you refer

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