[rurallife] Re: New website

  • From: Revelations In Metal <chantal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "rurallife@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rurallife@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 16:18:48 +0100 (BST)

Hi Chris,

Having quickly looked at the 'new' layout I just have a few suggestions:
1) I found with the image behind the text it made reading a bit difficult and 
the image was lost with text on-top. I think perhaps having the image at the 
top of the page with a plain background where text would, would be a bit 
clearer. (The RCL Logo could always be overlayed at one side. )

2) Also there is a lot of information on your first page, esp' where it says 
'click for information'  the list in red text, could these be made into another 
page with a link at the top. I just don't think having lots to read on the 
homepage is overly helpful. 

3) From a completely ascetic point of view, the colour scheme just doesn't sit 
well. Dark green for the RLC, then orange for the link tabs and then red text 
for other page links. Perhaps using traditional colours that you may expect to 
see at the museum would work better, eg the front entrance gate its colourful 
but it gels well. Also instead of floating tabs at the top would either a 
horizontal block or vertical block of them make it clearer and more concise to 

4) Again I maybe being a bit o.t.t but could the text font be something more 
inspiring and 'traditional'  as it stands it just doesn't translate that the 
museum is a portal in time, and one of the largest countryside collections. 

Sorry I hope thats not destroyed any positive feelings you felt, but these are 
just my points, feel free to disregard!

Hope that it was slightly constructive.



 From: Rural Life Centre <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: rurallife@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Sunday, 13 May 2012, 13:53
Subject: [rurallife] New website
Dear all,

As you are probably aware we are working on a new website for the museum.
However progress is very slow mainly because other things, like running the
museum, keep getting in the way. I hope soon to be able to make the address
of the draft version available to all for comments.

In the meantime I've made a few alterations to our homepage which hopefully
make it look a little more modern and more helpful to visitors. Namely these
are a photographic backdrop and a Google site search for the museum's pages.

This can be viewed by following this link

I would value your feedback on readability and usefulness before going live
with these changes. Please note the changes will only affect the front page
- the rest of the site will remain as it is now. The front page appearance
will vary depending on what size your browser window opens at but I have
tried to design it so that it looks good in a variety of common sizes.

I look forward to your comments.

Rural Life Centre           Old Kiln Museum Trust
Reeds Road, Tilford, Surrey, GU10 2DL
01252 795571                (Reg. charity 289150)

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