Re: rumpbake support for baked-in rootfs

  • From: Antti Kantee <pooka@xxxxxx>
  • To: rumpkernel-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 12:18:27 +0000

On 10/06/15 11:34, Andrew Stuart wrote:

As I understand it, Antti is wanting to hold off for now on integrating the -R
baked in root file system - that’s fine, no issue with that. However I was
rather enjoying using it and testing it and now that Antti has put a fix
through and EC2 is working, I’d really like to try the baked in file system on

I’m not sure how to do this - is it correct that Martin’s branch is now based
on code that doesn’t work on EC2? What would need to be done to get the baked
in root filesystem working on top of the very latest rumprun repo that includes
the fix to make EC2 work?

If you pull the rumprun repo and checkout Martin's branch, you should be able to get the hardcoded-json fix in there simply with "git rebase master".

Though, if your next step is indeed block devices, you'll get files also that way, just put a file system containing the files you want on the media (and the appropriate bits into the config json).

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