[rollei_list] Re: 1960-70s Brazil in Rolleiflex pictures

  • From: `Richard Knoppow <dickburk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 16:41:49 -0700

I am curious about what kind of lens and who recemented it. I have seen both Schneider and Zeiss lenses with element separation. This includes some Zeiss lenses for the reflex Contax. I am pretty sure these had synthetic cement because it separated in large bubbles rather than at the edges as is typical of Canada Balsam. I think some lenses with early synthetic cements were not cured correctly.
If the person doing the re-cementing did it correctly and the elements are properly centered, the performance of the lens should be the same as it was new.
As far as the controversy of Schneider vs: Zeiss I think they are about equal. I have a 2.8E with a Xenotar on it which is astonishingly sharp.

On 10/31/2018 4:04 AM, José Manoel Pavoski Neto wrote:

Thanks, Richard, and yes, I know of its reputation since it was passed to me, when I was about 13, but it feels like the new generation never really 'got the hang' of Rolleis. They are overshadowed by Leicas, Nikons, and probably even some japanese point-and-shooters.

Richard Knoppow
Rollei List

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