[retroforth] Re: Code Library

  • From: Charles Childers <charles.childers@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: retroforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 18:03:21 -0500

> Not wishing to be a pest or anything ..... but what do the directories
> accomplish? We are not, I assume, talking about hundreds of files here, so
> the directories do the same thing as filename prefixes (win_, linux_...)
> except in a more complex (=bad) and clumsier to manage way. Directories
> are also LESS flexible -- try sorting the contents of a dir TREE by date
> or name -- especially in any kind of GUI file manager. They are also
> harder to zip ("remember the -r" etc). I just don't see what value using
> directories brings when the number of files involved is low. The purpose
> of directory trees is to HIDE things from each other, that is simply not a
> consideration for retroforth imo, but only in large ugly systems with
> thousands of files.

One could also argue that all the source code should be in one
directory, rather than split into a directory for assembly and one for
the higher-level code :)

I use directories to help keep organized. Prefixes are a solution, but
I don't see them as being any cleaner than directories. It's a
personal preference.

Basically you end up doing something like this to select a file:

  use lib/custom/mywords

as opposed to:

  use lib/custom_mywords

There's no extra complexity to keep things in directories under hosted
versions of retroforth. Under the native version, supporting "files"
of any sort would be difficult. I will have a mapping of names->64
block groups though. My current work on that would even allow
"category" attibutes for each block group.

(As a note, in the nautilus file manager, sorting by name, size,
filetype, date, etc is easy. It's also pretty easy to do in Windows)

Charles Childers

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