[retroforth] Re: Code Library

  • From: aprice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: retroforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:31:59 -0800

>>Files in the toplevel "lib" directory will work with any port of RF,
and would comprise the standard extensions.
A few OS-specific subdirectories: "lib/linux", "lib/windows", and so
on for OS-specific code. This would be semi-standardized as
OS-specific stuff is hard to make work identically on all systems :)

A "lib/custom" subdirectory for custom extensions.<<

Not wishing to be a pest or anything ..... but what do the directories 
accomplish? We are not, I assume, talking about hundreds of files here, so 
the directories do the same thing as filename prefixes (win_, linux_...) 
except in a more complex (=bad) and clumsier to manage way. Directories 
are also LESS flexible -- try sorting the contents of a dir TREE by date 
or name -- especially in any kind of GUI file manager. They are also 
harder to zip ("remember the -r" etc). I just don't see what value using 
directories brings when the number of files involved is low. The purpose 
of directory trees is to HIDE things from each other, that is simply not a 
consideration for retroforth imo, but only in large ugly systems with 
thousands of files.

Phew. Had to get that off my chest! :)


Andrew Price
HealthSpace Integrated Solutions Ltd.
HealthSpace USA Inc.
Tel. (604) 860-4222

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