[project1dev] Re: mini game idea - the office

  • From: Nick Klotz <roracsenshi@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 19:45:28 -0400

"I just unscrewed my keyboard".

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I had an idea for a minigame type thing.
> Basically, there would be a building in a town somewhere that was a spoof
> of an office building with people working inside doing some kind of
> business, perhaps with different departments in it.
> Like you might have "IT", maybe theres some wizards in there and they fight
> demons and exersize them from the scrying devices the office workers use to
> do their business.
> You could have sales, management, whatever else.
> We might even have fun with it and make this "company" be a world wide
> entity, like they have branches in a few towns that you can go visit (and
> perhaps get rewards for rep... umm more info below)
> So anyhow, it would work kind of like a mini RPG within the RPG.
> You start off by applying for a department and interviewing, and basically
> the interview is mostly gibberish.  Something like there's 30 possible
> questions, and at the interview you get asked 5 of them at random.  Some is
> trivia about the world, some are things you learn by playing the game, some
> is just jibberish that you have to guess.
> When you do an interview and succeed, you are hired woo, being hired lets
> you get access to the inside of the building where it's employees only.
> You can go there and steal office supplies (ie get a stapler which could be
> a crappy combat weapon or something haha), drink water from the watercooler
> (heals status effects), raid the fridge, stuff like that.
> We don't want it to get TOO crazy with the complexity, but basically
> there'd be some simple goals youd be trying to acheive in each department,
> and as you acheived some of those goals youd gain "office experience" within
> the department you were in, and gain skill points which you could spend on a
> talent tree available to your department.
> You'd be able to transfer departments (possibly by having to do another
> interview) and you may need to do so to gain skills from the other
> departments to help you "rise to the top"
> There'd be stealth mission kind of goals like you'd have to accumulate the
> GOOD printing paper for your colleagues, or fight off demons in someones
> scrying device (if you were IT), stuff like that.
> When you reached max level in all departments, you'd be made into the CEO
> and it would turn out to be just a place you could go where people knew you,
> and youd basically have the key to the joint so you could take things
> without having to be all sneaky about it.
> Anyhow yeah, at diff levels of rep, you could go there and get diff rewards
> from time to time, and go periodically pick up your paycheck and things (a
> source of gold in the game - and the more you progress the more pay you'd
> get).
> Lots of details missing that would need to be designed but what you guys
> think?

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