[project1dev] Re: Project1 - SVN Update 393

  • From: Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:40:31 -0700

Re: animation! (in case you wanna animate teh kittehs!)

1) Make your model
2) Give some animation to that model (like idle animation, walking,
whatever) and save, call it something like "KittenBase" or "KittenIdle" or
something (we'll have to come up with a standard)
3) To make another animation, do a "save as" of that file and save a copy,
and edit that animation
4) repeat step 3 for each animation you want to make
5) If you ever want to edit how the model looks, just edit the origional
model (ie the "kittenidle" file) and you dont need to worry about the other
files (in fact the other files dont need any model data i dont think, they
just need the animated bone data).
6) If you ever want to add or remove bones, you have to do it to ALL the
animations for that model unfortunately

this is the really rough system as it works currently, as we start using it
we'll hit snags and those will get smoothed out (:

but yeah, if you Eric do the above, Kent can actually play around with
playing animations at diff times.

Like Kent, you could have a variable per mob that was it's "State"


0 = sitting there wagging it's tail
1 = walking
2 = running
3 = angry growling

and you could make the script play the right animation based on which state
each mob was in, and could make the script move / shake / whatever the model
as is appropriate for their state.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Apache User

> User:eric
> Message: temp kitten ;o)
> <Files Changed>
> A   Art/Models/Enemies/kitten.ms3d

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