[pasmembers] Re: Weather Watching for this week

  • From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:49:34 -0800 (PST)

Are you a pirate?

Dar - ha ha ha

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
Visit the P.A.S. Blog & My Facebook Page
Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor

> From: Mary Ahlefeld <m.ahlefeld@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:02 AM
>Subject: [pasmembers] Re: Weather Watching for this week
>noaa still goes with yesterday. c-c-cold, 2-3mph breeze, 18% cloud cover, I'm 
>--- On Wed, 1/9/13, Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: [pasmembers] Weather Watching for this week
>>To: "PAS ListServ" <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 10:43 PM
>>PAS Members,
>>I've been getting all sorts of input on the weather.
>>mostly it looks like Thursday may be canceled
>>for the viewing, but since Mike is indoors, he
>>can still do it without the rest of the PAS group.
>>Friday i have had a few people say it will be cloudy, but no rain.
>>Others say it will be super clear.
>>I'm concerned about the extreme cold.
>>oh and one person said they saw rain later in the evening
>>but clearing after midnight.
>>So, keep those forecasts coming in for Friday.
>>I think Thursday is going to be out.
>>However, a check is on it's way to PAS
>>for gas reimbursement. I guess MIke will
>>get the whole amount if the rest of you
>>can't make it out there. I feel bad about
>>that for our contact Jon, at Centennial
>>for putting out the check, but we can't predict
>>the weather.
>>Weather watchers, keep watching,
>>keep reporting. let me know what Friday holds.
>>Give me clouds cover, temperatures from 5:30 pm to midnight,
>>wind speeds if you have it, precipitation, and anything else
>>you think might cancel this event on Friday at Estrella
>>Observatory. Thanks
>>Thank you Darlene, this email was in response to your
>>weather update for Thur and Fri. 
>>Good friends are like stars. You don't always
>>see them, but you always know they are there.
>>Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
>>Visit the P.A.S. Blog & My Facebook Page
>>Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor
>>>--- On Wed, 1/9/13, Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>Subject: Upcoming events this week - Weather Watchers needed
>>>>To: "Terri Finch" <events@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 6:03 PM
>>>>Good morning PAS Members,
>>>>Quite a few of the members of PAS have gotten ill with the flu that is 
>>>>going around.
>>>>If you aren't feeling well, or think you may have it, please stay home so 
>>>>you can get well, and we can avoid catching it. We will make the events a 
>>>>without you until you are well again. 
>>>>Thursday Jan 10 Centennial 5pm to 8pm
>>>>I see massive clouds in the forecast (via ch 3 news). Mike will most likely
>>>>attend, rain or shine, as he will be indoors for this event.
>>>>But the rest of you attending, watch the weather before
>>>>you drive all the way down to this event. And if you need to
>>>>contact the person running the event, please do so. Data you need
>>>>is at this link: 
>>>>RSVP is with Jon Hutman: 
>>>>Hutman, Jon <jhutman@xxxxxxxxxx>;
>>>>Friday Jan 11 Estrella Observatory 5:30pm potluck - observing all night long
>>>>Ch 3 news says Rain for Friday. I hear it isn't a lot of rain, so we 
>>>>could get around the rain and still have a successful event. Please watch
>>>>the weather. I have set up the RSVP and potluck signup for this event
>>>>in the Private Calendar at this link: 
>>>>http://www.pasaz.org/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1048&day=2013-1-11 If 
>>>>you plan to attend, please let
>>>>Yves know either by email or signup. Anyone who emails me, I will post
>>>>it to the calendar for you.
>>>>Sunday Jan 13 Bookmans Telescope Workshop 3:30 to 5:30pm
>>>>I do not see rain or high winds in this forecast. However, things
>>>>do change. Please let me know if you can assist at this event.
>>>>Details for this event at are this link: 
>>>>I request the Weather Watchers, please help monitor these events. Let me 
>>>>if anything weather related may cancel the events. Thank you so much!
>>>>Have a super Wednesday!
>>>>Terri, Event Coordinator
>>>>Good friends are like stars. You don't always
>>>>see them, but you always know they are there.
>>>>Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
>>>>Visit the P.A.S. Blog & My Facebook Page
>>>>Visit my
 Music Page: Private Music Instructor

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