[pasmembers] Re: Weather Watching for this week

  • From: Mary Ahlefeld <m.ahlefeld@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 08:02:13 -0800 (PST)

noaa still goes with yesterday. c-c-cold, 2-3mph breeze, 18% cloud cover, I'm 

--- On Wed, 1/9/13, Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [pasmembers] Weather Watching for this week
To: "PAS ListServ" <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 10:43 PM

PAS Members,

I've been getting all sorts of input on the weather.
mostly it looks like Thursday may be canceled
for the viewing, but since Mike is indoors, he
can still do it without the rest of the PAS group.

Friday i have had a few people say it will be cloudy, but no rain.
Others say it will be super clear.
I'm concerned about the extreme cold.
oh and one person said they saw rain later in the evening
but clearing after midnight.

So, keep those forecasts coming in for Friday.
I think Thursday is going to be out.
However, a check is on it's way to PAS
for gas reimbursement. I guess MIke will
get the whole amount if the rest of you
can't make it out there. I feel bad about
that for our contact Jon, at Centennial
for putting out the check, but we can't predict
the weather.

Weather watchers, keep watching,
keep reporting. let me know what Friday holds.

Give me clouds cover, temperatures from 5:30 pm to midnight,
wind speeds if you have it, precipitation, and anything else
you think might cancel this event on Friday at Estrella
Observatory. Thanks

Thank you Darlene, this email was in response to your
weather update for Thur and Fri. 

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
Visit the P.A.S. Blog & My Facebook Page
Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor

--- On Wed, 1/9/13, Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Upcoming events this week - Weather Watchers needed
To: "Terri Finch" <events@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 6:03 PM

Good morning PAS Members,

Quite a few of the members of PAS have gotten ill with the flu that is going 
If you aren't feeling well, or think you may have it, please stay home so that
you can get well, and we can avoid catching it. We will make the events a 
without you until you are well again. 

Thursday Jan 10 Centennial 5pm to 8pm
I see massive clouds in the forecast (via ch 3 news). Mike will most likely
attend, rain or shine, as he will be indoors for this event.
But the rest of you attending, watch the weather before
you drive all the way down to this event. And if you need to
contact the person running the event, please do so. Data you need
is at this link: 
RSVP is with Jon Hutman: 
Hutman, Jon <jhutman@xxxxxxxxxx>;

Friday Jan 11 Estrella Observatory 5:30pm potluck - observing all night long
Ch 3 news says Rain for Friday. I hear it isn't a lot of rain, so we possibly
could get around the rain and still have a successful event. Please watch
the weather. I have set up the RSVP and potluck signup for this event
in the Private Calendar at this link: 
http://www.pasaz.org/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1048&day=2013-1-11 If you 
plan to attend, please let
Yves know either by email or signup. Anyone who emails me, I will post
it to the calendar for you.

Sunday Jan 13 Bookmans Telescope Workshop 3:30 to 5:30pm
I do not see rain or high winds in this forecast. However, things
do change. Please let me know if you can assist at this event.
Details for this event at are this link: 

I request the Weather Watchers, please help monitor these events. Let me know
if anything weather related may cancel the events. Thank you so much!

Have a super Wednesday!
Terri, Event Coordinator

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Coordinator
Visit the P.A.S. Blog & My Facebook Page
Visit my Music Page: Private Music Instructor

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