Re: Certifications don't count! (from a good test-taker)

  • From: "Mark Strickland" <strickland.mark@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: m.haddon@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 22:09:57 -0700

I keep my certification current.  It gives me that extra bit of motivation.
Plan to get the OCM.  Figure I talked my way into my first DBA job in 1993
(v6.0.3...scared without excrement to upgrade to v7...still scared without
excrement to upgrade to 11g).  Then I proved myself.  And even after I
proved myself, I can think of at least one situation where I just wasn't a
good fit no matter how hard I tried.  I agree with everything said
previously, but don't discount those who are motivated and ambitious and who
get that certification and talk their way into a DBA position.  They might
be the best DBA you've ever encountered.  Or not.  I interview well.
Because I learned early on how to interview well.  I have great references.
So?  What if I lose my ambition and motivation and fear of failure?  Or
display other evidence of being HUMAN.  I'd rather hire someone who is eager
and motivated and seems like they'd be reasonable to work with (not a prima
donna from a Prestige Company...not that I'VE ever been THAT) and has good
troubleshooting skills and is organized (FAT CHANCE!).  Cowboys/girls need
not apply.  Oh, and would it be asking too much to expect them to be a good
technical writer (not publishable documentation...just basic project
plans)?  That was a rhetorical question, of can dream.  Indeed,
they have to demonstrate the requisite technical knowledge, but that's the
starting point.  What is my point?  I guess my point is that it comes down
to good judgment.  I personally prefer the empirical approach (to
everything) but these are human beings we're talking about.  There's no
formula.  I've been on interview panels and given my thumbs-up for the
candidate to go on to Hollywood only to find that, once they were hired, I
couldn't stand them (but alcohol helps).  Too late.  No doubt, I've been on
the other side of that.  I'm rambling.  It comes back to:  there's no
formula.  And once you got 'em, they're still human.  That's a good thing.

Seattle, WA

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