[opendtv] Re: (S) DTV adaptors available for less than 50 euros in France

  • From: "Donald Koeleman" <donald.koeleman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 00:45:15 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Hughes" <ghughesml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 12:10 AM
Subject: [opendtv] Re: (S) DTV adaptors available for less than 50 euros in

And if AVC cannot offer significant compression advantages without
very long GOPs, it was a waste of time that could have been better
spent tweaking MPEG-2. I do not believe this to be the case.



In what you have seen sofar, what is the bandwidth-saving provided by AVC
over state-of-the-art mpeg2 compression? At IBC some-one at one of the major
hardware encoder manufacturers told me that in real-live applications it was
around 25% for HD, and a third to 35% on SD, with a new codec being released
to operators about once a month. Considering the reference is to operational
systems, these figures include savings by increased goplength and other such
tricks (good sense of the word). So how far/long are we removed from
reaching the promise of cutting bandwidth in half for a given image quality?

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