[opendtv] Re: News: Experts question quality of local HDTV

  • From: "Albert Manfredi" <bert22306@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 19:32:13 -0500

John Shutt wrote:

Given that when the ATSC adopted EVSB they added the following
caveat, I'd say you are exactly correct:

"Additionally, during premium programming times, the maximum
bitrate in the enhanced (EVSB) stream shall be 3 Mbps out of the
total 19.4 Mbps channel capacity."

Don't know why that bothers you so much, John. It is simply a policy statement, to try to prevent broadcasters from degrading prime time programming to sub-SD quality. There's nothing in any hardware that can stop you from creating a single SD E-VSB channel during prime time, if you really insist. I doubt the ATSC would send out a SWAT team.

Now, does that mean that you can only take 3 Mbps out of the
19.4, leaving a real 1.5 Mbps for EVSB?

That's my interpretation. So it leaves enough regular 8-VSB capacity for HDTV sports. I can see nothing sinister in any of this.


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