[opendtv] Re: ISP Filtering

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 19:44:41 -0600

Dan Grimes wrote:

>> Netflix was thinking, "Gosh, we're going to get rid of our DVD mailing
>> service, and simply use this 'free' Internet pipe instead. What a
>> deal!" (Maybe not free, but whatever they were already paying to Comcast.)
> That is kind of bold to say you know what Netflix is thinking, don't you
> think?

Not at all. I'm paraphrasing what was reported at the time. And you can see 
Craig's similar response. This is the reason I didn't become indignant at the 

> And for free?  It costs a lot of money to serve out that video and
> to upload it to the internet.  I am not aware of anyone willing to do it
> for free.

Well, okay, I covered that partially in the parenthetical comment?

Point is, and by the way Netflix immediately got into hot water for this with 
their customers, they stand to save a lot of money by deleting their DVD 
mailing service. Lots and lots of manual labor involved in that. They went as 
far as trying a first step, to keep the Netflix name just for the streaming 
service, and call the DVD service something else. Which meant forcing the 
customers who wanted to do both to get two accounts. The next step would have 
been, eliminate the DVD service without sullying the good Netflix name.

A transparent and not-too-smart move by their CEO, I must say.

But the point is, either way, it turns out you still have to "pay the freight" 
(ha ha). I guess Netflix had to assure decent image quality to those used to 
DVDs, so they were demanding a lot of the ISP nets. The numbers were not subtle.


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