[lit-ideas] Re: small addendum to Matrix as philosophy

  • From: Eric Yost <NYCEric@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 13:30:27 -0500

Donal writes: "we can explain everything without recourse to
'design'[a fact that does not itself disprove the existence of design]."

Calling mutations "blind" rather than "random" makes a lot of sense to 
me, and I appreciate Donal taking the time to highlight the difference 
between the two terms. "Random' summons up images of Miltonic Chaos, 
whereas "blind" implies there that is no active outside agency shaping 
life within the constraints of biology.

IMHO, when we view the world as an artifact, a created product, we 
establish a type of alienation between our minds and the rest of life.
We are implying that our minds and hearts come from elsewhere, from 
where the Creator is, and that we are trapped in an ill-fitting 
protoplasm suit until we return to that Creator.

How lonely and off-putting! How pompous to assume that all the 
"spiritual" trivia of our egos deserves eternity! How easily that view 
gives us license to kill other forms of life, throw mountains around, 
fill streams with dioxin, and treat the place where we grow as a kind of 
dirty bus station en route to the Creator's Grand Hotel.


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